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    Friday, November 16, 2007


    Never trust a person who hates change. Ask them, what if they are initiating the change? Then, what do they think. I'm in the process of applying to schools, planning a move, discussing vacation plans...I couldn't be more excited. How about you? What's a change you caused and loved?

    Monday, October 15, 2007

    Apple iPhone vs Nokia N95

    Now I know I love my N95. And, I'll readily go head-to-head with any Apple enthusiast (although I don't think many listen to what is being said back) about why it's better than the iPhone. And, while many non-Apple enthusiasts are just hating on the iPhone I recognize a few things it brings to the mobile industry. First, their touch screen out-does any plasic stylus touchscreen on the market. Also, the user-interface is slick. Finally, Apple successfully introduced to the US market what the mobile industry does all around the world. They sell phones at full price but as feature-packed convergence devices. They didn't do anything new; they just got the US public to get it for once.

    The point of this post is to say that someone summed it up just right. Thanks to Darla Mack's post reference, I read the almost perfect quote...

    "The iPhone is for consuming content, while the N95 is for creating it."

    This is why sometimes talking to an iPhone owner just doesn't make for a constructive conversation. We're arguing the same points from different sides of the table, and I don't mean Nokia vs Apple. I say, "but your phone only has a 2mp camera!" And I usually get back, "so what!" All this time I thought it was ignorant banter when in reality it really didn't matter to them. So, I'd like to say to Jonathan Greene of Atmaspheric Endeavors...thank you. I get it now. I only hope everyone else takes a moment to digest your thoughts as well.

    Oh, I still like my N95 more! :)

    Saturday, October 13, 2007

    Long Grove Oktoberfest

    Today Susan and I took the puppies to Long Grove for their Oktoberfest. While Long Grove is a great community for walking around on the weekend and being touristy, I think their Oktoberfest was a little weak. The whole reason we went was because last weekend we stumbled upon their Apple Fest. That was amazing! Lots of apples, venders, apple cider, music, apple donuts, crafts, etc. Their square and fountain area were packed. This weekend was much different. In addition to it being small, the brat I has was awful. So, if you're looking for a little Chicago suburbia tourism, hit up Long Grove any weekend other than their Oktoberfest weekend.

    Oh, the puppies had a blast being flirted with by all the kids and people entertained with small animals. And, please don't get me wrong. The snacks, beer and weather were great. I'm exhausted from all of the walking around and reining in of the puppies.

    Monday, October 08, 2007

    Working Girl

    Well, I've been at this job now for just over two weeks. Today was my third Monday. Today was also my first "real" day of doing my job. I headed out into the suburbs and talked up my company and product. While I'm not sure anyone can drive around talking to sales people all day, every day for the rest of their lives. I think this job will work out for a while.

    It is true that I have it easy right now though. All I have to do is get my business card into the managers' hands. I'm doing my introductions right now. On top of that it is down right gorgeous out. I love autumn. The leaves are changing colors, and everything just looks great. Now, if you ask me in four months what I think of the outdoors, I can guarentee that the Midwest's winter will be getting the best of me. I'll be hating the ice, snow, cold, glare of the sun and everything else that comes with winter.

    I just thought an update was necessary. Oh, and I get a laptop for work, so now I'm mobile. Not that I wasn't mobile before with my N95 but I have an added toy thanks to my company. Yea company laptops! :)

    Tuesday, September 25, 2007


    I know I don't post regularly. I keep telling myself (and any readers out there) that I'm going to start posting regularly. So, this is my attempt. I am simply spelling out for all of you that I am bored out of my mind. I should be working, but there is only so much training you can do without any hands on tools to work with. I was hoping to be out there beating the streets and convincing salespeople to sell, but I just don't have the tools or know-how quite yet. And, I can't very well tell FedEx to kick it up a notch. I don't even know if they're the ones handling the shipments.

    Oh well, what do you do when you're bored? No, I won't clean. Not fun enough. :)

    Friday, September 21, 2007

    One Egg or Even No Eggs!

    Okay, if you've spent any substantial amount of time involved in 4H you're most likely aware of the one egg cake competition/challenge. I was never in 4H, so I've never experienced the feat or failure personally. But, Susan did it as a kid. Apparently, it is not an easy task. Or at least she makes it out that way hence my utter awe when I saw a bakery advertising eggless cakes! Is anyone else impressed? I think Susan would have been moreso if I hadn't interrupted her last hour of work Friday afternoon. :-)

    Monday, September 17, 2007

    Gotta Love My N95

    This is why I love my phone, or as Nokia calls it and I do most days, my multimedia computer. It is so true. This is why people are loving the Apple iPhone. I'm not going to get into an argument about the iPhone as I have plenty of thoughts on it. The truth is: Nokia has been doing convergence (multiple devices all in one - i.e. phone, camera, mp3 player, pda, etc) for years. In fact they're taking it further and further.

    Okay, long story short...I was reading one of my favorite blogs, IntoMobile by Stefan (previously RingNokia). He referenced a Nokia video. It spoke to me.

    The world is changing. Mobile phones are so much more than the American public realizes. They're not scary; they are everything in your pocket. I love it. If you can imagine it, it can be done even with a phone.

    Watch. Let me know what you think!

    Wednesday, September 05, 2007

    Friday, August 17, 2007

    Leaving Lynnwood

    Today I'm flying out of Seattle and headed home. Although the trip had it's bumps and bruises, I had a great time. For example the hotel here uses these funky lil keys I have pictured. I've only seen real metal keys and plastic key cards until now. It worked rather well too. Also, I forgot to mention it at them begining of the trip, but I got a free upgrade to an SUV for my rental. No silly Malibu for me. I was riding in style around this state. :-)

    While writing this I'm chilling at the SeaTac Airport waiting on my late plane. Thank goodness I overpacked entertaining activities. I not only have to keep occupied for the 4 hour flight now but also for the 2-3 hours at the airport. Gotta love travel! :-)

    Wednesday, August 15, 2007

    No Ambition

    Sometimes, even when you have time, do you just not feel like posting on your blog? I sat in front of a computer bored most of the day, yet I let posting til now. And, it's about not posting.

    I had no ambition today. When you're just not feeling it, do you post something small and/or random? Or, do you just let the day slip away?

    Tuesday, August 14, 2007

    Just Stop Talking...Gone

    As you may or may not know about me, I'm not good at keeping in touch with people. I tend to get caught up in my day-to-day life. More often than not, people call me not I calling them. I think in addition to being wrapped up in myself - which I know is not a good quality - I hesitate at calling people out of fear of interrupting their life. Maybe fear is too strong of a word, but the people I reach out to most often are those whom I know their schedule or I can text confirmation that now is a good time to talk first.

    That being said; there is a disconnect in this world - possibly but hopefully not just with me - where people just stop calling/writing/dropping by. I can think of three people instantaneously that have drifted away without notice or reason. Of those three people I know one made the last call to me. I didn't return it for whatever reason. He never called back. Now I don't think I even know his number. He was a colleague from a job who shared an office with me. It wasn't like we dated or were best friends, but he was a friend.

    The other two that I'm referencing today puzzle me a bit more. One was a best friend and the other I did date. One week we're talking and/or hanging out and the next week nothing. This nothingness has continued for months. It's to a point that I'm assuming unless we cordially cross paths on a random street later in life the relationship is over. (Please note: I am not denying my role in any relationship, but confused in general on this concept.) Why would you end any relationship with just not talking again?

    Has this process been used on anyone else? Have you called once, twice or so many times it's awkward just to give up assuming they'll call when they have a chance only to never hear from them again?

    In today's day and age, how can you lose track of anyone? How can it be impossible to keep in touch, especially if that individual is reaching out initially to you?!? What with telephones at home, work and your pocket and computers also at home, work and everywhere else; I'm sure everyone has at least one number to be reached at and/or an email address. And heaven help us if those don't work; last time I checked we still had a US Postal Service which delivers HAND-WRITTEN mail to peoples' homes.

    I again admit that I am the epitome of awful at keeping in touch, but I'm saddened by the relationships that have washed away with time and lack of communication and nothing more. It's hard enough to lose people to fights, death, change and every other reason that severs relationships, but to lose more simply because you never talk again leaves a person a little empty and questioning what happened.

    Am I the only one to lose friends, colleagues, associates and such to nothingness, or have you to? Any thoughts to this phenomenon?

    Monday, August 13, 2007

    Seattle, WA - Home for the Week

    I'd love to tell you I'm here for a hot interview to add income back to my wilting bank accounts. Unfortunately, that's not the case. I'm here for loyalty and friendship. And, despite the fact that I've lived in Chicago for 7 years or so, this is not a trip for the Mob. :) A manager that I deeply respect asked me to help out at the center in Lynnwood for the week as they are very short-staffed. I can't tell Hilary no. She's the best, and so I'm here back in a glass box.

    Other than all the hassle that goes with travel - which is always unavoidable - I'm having a great time. The hotel staff recommended a great place for dinner last night, and today my colleague gave the recommendation to just drive west. As simple as that seems, it was an awesome suggestion.

    Last night's dinner was at a place called "The Rock." According to their menu, they have 6 locations in Washington. My geographical knowledge of the state is limited, so as to the other locations in relation to Seattle, I don't know.

    Gotta love a place with Steve Miller on their menu

    My micro-brew choice of the night

    Team spirit rules here

    Then today I took Malik's suggestion and simply drove west. The people here in Seattle and the surrounding areas have it all figured out. They have the best of both worlds - amazing coastal views and incredible mountain scenery. To say it's majestic may be an understatement.

    While getting myself lost I found a cafe, Tazza Bella. First off, it was adorable. The decor was eclectic and pulled off extremely well. Also, they believe in child labor and the woman's daughter was running the cash register. Talk about quality customer service!

    Outside view

    Secondary Sign - In case your just hankering for espresso

    I like the pretty triangle candle :)

    Mmm...the English Muffet...loved the spinach feta spread

    I'll be sure to keep you posted on everything else I do here. I'm definitely taking lots of photos. I'm hoping to actually get into Seattle for a while and experience it. It seems every city has it's own vibe, and I'm interested in what Seattle's is. Then again, maybe I can just pretend I'm part of Grey's Anatomy.

    Here are some of the coastline shots:

    Wednesday, August 08, 2007

    Great America with the kids

    The second full day that everyone was here we decided to do something Chicago but also action-packed. That goal lead Ty, Christine, Sami and I to Six Flags, Great America just north of Chicago.

    The group needed to sleep in of course, but once we were all showered, fed, lunches packed and backpack packed full of the essentials, we piled into the Neon and headed north. Needless to say I didn't check traffic or construction, so a 45 minute drive took closer to an hour and a half. Don't worry though, the team was in good spirits and didn't whimper too much.

    Once there we piled out and skipped the ticket lines. We had been smart enough to but the tickets online (buy 3 get 1 free!). First things first...I got the kiddies smiling at the viewing pool. With four people and a whole amusement park, it can be difficult at times to do what everyone wants. Again everyone was a team player though. We headed for the two-story carousel per Sami's request and followed it up with Superman. Wow! Those are two very different paced rides. I think the line was the worst at Superman. Sami wasn't too sure once strapped in and the seats folded back so we were in flying positions (staring at the ground). There was a bit of concern heading up the starting hill. The ride ended with her saying, "I was so scared I was crying, but I laughed too because it was so much fun!"

    Sami was a trooper. We mixed the thrill rides with the more carnival rides. Christine and Ty even allowed for a few log rides. Despite the fact that we packed a lunch, we still splurged on ice cream, churros, pretzals, and cotton candy. Yum!

    Everyone had a blast riding the variety of rides. Each of us is a full-blooded adrenaline junkie now, including Sam. Here are a few shots of the day...

    What is your favorite amusement park and your favorite ride there?

    Sunday, August 05, 2007

    Sami's Trip to Chicago

    The Friday after Sami arrived, we took her to "High School Musical" on Broadway in Chicago. It was a surprise that we had been planning for a little over a month. After our family vacation in Colorado, Sami stayed behind with our Aunt Helen, Uncle James and Cousin Lily. She was there for about a month having fun doing different things. They included learning how to catch honey bees, finding and returning a lost dog, ice skating, pottery making and making a home-movie cooking show.

    Well, while I wasn't in competition with Helen and crew, the standards were set high for keeping Sami entertained. These are just a few shots of us wandering Chicago before and after the show which I think she LOVED. :)

    Michelle, Sami and I drove in early to walk Michigan Avenue. Susan took the train after work and joined us for a fancy meal right across the street from the theatre. Then us fine ladies walked the city before driving home. I think it might have been the fanciest Friday night Sami has had yet.

    I know Susan took a few more shots proving that the rest of us were there, but they haven't been uploaded to the computer yet. Maybe I'll add those down the road.

    Do you remember one of your first visits to the theatre? What did you see, and what did you think?

    What have I been doing?

    Well, if you're wondering why I haven't posted in a while, it's not because I've disappeared on another blogging hiatus. My sister, Sami, flew in from Colorado two Tuesdays ago. We were hanging out with her quite a bit. Then, on the next Sunday, my sister, Christine and her boyfriend, Ty, came down to chill with us as well. So, for close to two weeks we've had house guests. And considering two of them were my sisters and I live with another sister, you can only imagine the chaos and enjoyment for all, including Ty and Susan - the non-blood members of the crazy Jackson Club.

    My intentions are to post photos and blurbs about what we did for the last week or so to keep them entertained. This will not include the massive amounts of videos, Gilmore Girl episodes on DVD, or video game playing - just the fun stuff out of the house.

    I have pulled all of the photos from my N95 already and organized them to a point. Now I need to decide if I'm going to edit any of them before uploading them to my web album. What do you think? Should I post them raw or pretty?

    We'll see.

    Friday, August 03, 2007

    Store Acronym

    Wouldn't you just avoid shortening your store name if this was the acronym it came out to? Oh, the store name is French Connection. We're assuming it's based out of the UK and not France.

    Thursday, August 02, 2007

    House Guests

    Sorry for not posting lately. My sisters are in town visiting, and finding time to be on the computer has been next to impossible to find. I'll be sure to fill this up with updates from our activities for the last week or so once I'm back in the swing of things.

    Thursday, July 26, 2007

    Happy Birthday James & Christine!

    Last Saturday night was spent at our friend Houston's house with her family and friends. Her husband, James, turned 40 this past week and her daughter, Christine, 21. With two major birthdays in one family, you have to throw a bash for that! So, they set the date and time, and we were there. Here are a few pics of the band, Fun With Lips, formally Paradigm Shift with James, Andrew, Jason and Dan. Depo couldn't make it so that's a stand in (I can't remember his name).

    It was a blast. Lot's of fun, music and drinking. Quite the successful party! :)

    Saturday, July 21, 2007

    Today's Favorite Quote

    Thanks to Terrance's reflecting I've got myself a sweet quote. I think it's my favorite for the day, maybe longer...

    I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection.
    Excellence, I can reach for;
    perfection is God's business.
    -Michael J. Fox

    It's bought!

    And moments later...she has it!

    Harry Potter Book 7

    This is Susan waiting in line to get the final installment of the Harry Potter Series. Can you tell she's excited? Are you an HP fan?

    Thursday, July 19, 2007

    Home with the Puppies

    Another day off with just me and the pups. We've taken it easy so far today. As you can tell they're not letting anything stress them out. Must be nice. :-)

    Wednesday, July 18, 2007

    Cuddle Buddies

    These two are suckers for going to bed with Mom. It never fails if Mom (either one, they're not picky) is in bed, they're either destroying the place or in bed too. The couch, floor or their beds are no good in comparison. In fact Kodiak doesn't even need a mom in there; he'll climb on any bed when he finds a bedroom door left open. :-) Do you have a pet who prefers your bed over theirs?

    Saturday, July 14, 2007

    One More Addition

    What I really want is someone to be able to look at my blog, read a few posts and have a glimpse into who I am. For that reason I'm adding one more thing to my sidebars. Now yes, a lot of people have so much stuff in their sidebars you start to lose track of what is about them and what is just an add for something else. Then, you end up not looking at any of it. I don't want that. To be honest if you think my site has gotten to cluttered and "commercial," please let me know.

    As I mentioned I'm adding one more bit. You'll soon see a Last.FM widget in my sidebar. What a person listens to in music can be so insightful as to who they are, how they think and how they're feeling. I'm hoping Last.FM does that for my readers.

    It'll probably be a few days before you see it up, but please feel free to comment about it. I'm new to their service and everything, so this may take some time. I'd expect a few growing pains as you often see when I mess with the css and html on this page.

    Again, let me know what you think.

    Feedburner & Jaiku

    Well, as you may or may not have noticed, I added Jaiku to my left sidebar. I recently joined Jaiku for a few reasons. First, I'm always trying out the different things available to Nokia users, especially the N95, so I'm prepared for questions at work. Oh, and I want to have those cool things on my phone too. Second, the idea of Jaiku intrigues me. The idea behind "micro-blogging" fits my lifestyle very well. Maybe I don't have time or ideas to blog about more than once or twice a week. With Jaiku I can give mini updates all the time with only the time of a text message. Finally, Jaiku is another community that I can network, socialize, and drive more traffic back here to my blog.

    So, interestingly enough I added Jaiku to my sidebar and within 48 hours my blog subscriptions shot through the roof from 1 to 12. What a high! I thought it was great. Sadly enough this afternoon I checked my stats again and the subscriptions have dropped to 6 already. What did I do or not do to lose them so quickly?

    Oh well, life and blogging and now micro-blogging must go on. If you have ideas as to what happened with those crazy stats jumping up and then dropping down right away again, let me know.

    What communities other than Blogger are you a part of to cross-drive traffic? Do you add widgets to your blog? How has that affected your traffic? I'm interested in what your opinions are and your experiences. Thanks for sharing!

    Oh, one more thing...do you like the Jaiku widget on the side? Thoughts?

    Friday, July 13, 2007

    Bella versus Kodiak

    Okay, I had to post one more. This is another I've been holding onto and forgetting to post. Bella and Kodiak were fighting over a stuffed pheasant. Much to Bella's disappointment, it's really Kodiak's toy. Eventually she realized him fighting for it was half the fun.


    Thursday, July 12, 2007

    EC Rumble

    I've been dying to post this for a while. No, they are not pointing out their waistline but demonstrating where their "champion belt" would go.

    This is what happens when the boys get bored at work...they start ripping eachother apart and bragging about themselves. You have got to love it! I call this one "Jay and Mike Throwdown."

    Enjoy :)

    Test Post for Feed Footer

    I just need to see how the feed comes out. I've added a footer to my feeds promoting my Jaiku feed. Thanks for understanding. Oh, feel free to subscribe to the blog or Jaiku. :)

    New Phones for the Boys - Updated

    Mike, Jay and Bruce got their new phones at work. All of them got the N80i, which is a pretty sweet device. I didn't get one due to a shipping mistake; I already have an N73 from a while ago that I gave to Suz. She loves it; I just wish I could get her to trust the camera more. But, she is a camera addict. You can't blame her for having high expectations and favorite devices. How about you? Are you into cameras and photography? Do you have a favorite device, if so, what is it?

    Update: I reposted this so the photo was the right direction. Sorry about the mix-up.

    Movie Rating = G

    I'm not usually one for forwards, games, polls, and tests online or via email. But, while surfing through BlogMad I came across a blog that had this posted. I wish I noted the blog I was on before following the link (you can't click "back" while using BlogMad), otherwise I'd post a link.

    Anyways, here is my rating. I can't complain. It's always best to be available to all audiences, right?

    Online Dating


    If you follow the link, let me know your site and what it ranks at!

    Monday, July 09, 2007

    Adding to Blogroll

    I'm adding a little to my blogroll. I have to admit I don't have people beating down my door to be added. But, that doesn't mean I can't list some of my favorite blogs. Now yes, the two I've added today are work related. Besides writing about mobile technology, they are great writers and have intriguing personalities.

    Stefan just joined IntoMobile after successfully launching blog for 6 months in his free time. Now the lucky sucker gets paid to do it. You should check out his latest posting; he hopped a plane to Finland for personal and professional reasons. I wish him the best.

    Darla has been writing about Nokia, phones, S60 and everything else mobile for going on 3 years. She has her own pizzazz that she adds to the mix. One of my favorite things about her is the fact that she's a woman. In fact she posts links to a blog about women in mobile. I won't rant now, but it drives me nuts that people assume technology needs a man. I can't even count how many times people have disregarded me at work to talk to one of the guys just because I'm female.

    Okay, this was supposed to be about Stefan and Darla not me. :) Now, you may notice that I'm writing about them like I know them. I wish I could say I do, but I don't. What is important though is that they're honest and intriguing in their writing, so you're able to get to know a bit of them right away.

    Well, enjoy! Let me know if you read either blog and what you think. Also, the invite still stands...if you'd like to be linked, let me know your site. I'll check it out, add it, and talk about the addition in my next post.

    Fourth of July in Chicago

    Here is a short clip of the fireworks put on by Macy's in downtown Chicago on July 3rd. Yes, that is the wrong date, but that's how we roll in Chi-town. :) Enjoy!

    I need to work on editing videos so you can have some tunes when viewing. I'll work on that next.

    What did you do to celebrate Independence Day?

    Last couple of the trail

    More of the trail

    Constituion Trail

    This is in Bloomington-Normal and runs behind Susan's parent's house. Too bad it was so hot!

    Friday, July 06, 2007

    Should I be worried?

    Now, I couldn't seem to edit this photo in Picasa the way I wanted, so you'll have it unedited. Why do I think I should be worried? Because I'm penned in by TWO student drivers. What are the odds? Aren't they supposed to stay away from eachother on the road? I just kept my distance and gunned it when given the chance.

    What would you have done? Oh, and I was going to work, so I couldn't really just turn off and go somewhere else.

    Wednesday, July 04, 2007

    Hot Damn!

    Check out this price of gas. I filled up. Wouldn't you? Oh, and this low on the Fourth of July. I thought they hiked up the prices for holidays. Not for me! :-)

    Thursday, June 28, 2007

    Prayers for Nevin

    Please add Nevin to your prayers tonight. He is a young man who works with my sister in an ice cream shop. He was severely injured while at work and lost the majority of his arm. Please pray for him and his family. Also the store is family-owned, and they could use the prayers as well. Finally, the majority of the staff is young college and high school students who are now coping with this traumatic experience. I'm sure they could use the prayers as well. Thank you to all for your support and prayers. God bless.

    Saturday, June 16, 2007

    Vacation Drinking

    You know vacation is starting off right if Mom is ordering an extra shot to add to her margarita. Go Mom! :-) Dad and I just had beer.

    Growing Family

    Oh my, the family has grown by one more! She's half Chihuahua and half Boston Terrier. We're not 100% on a name yet, but I'll be sure to post it when we do. Oh, and Kodiak is enjoying switching roles between big brother and boyfriend. :-)

    Thursday, June 14, 2007

    America's Problems

    Just a thought...have you traveled abroad? If so, did you speak the native language of every country you went to?

    Or what about a foreign exchange? You lived there for a while, and you probably picked up the language a bit being submerged in it. But, did you speak it all the time?

    Or better yet, ever move to another country for a while? Maybe you had some friends or family visit you while you were there. I'm guess while taking them out to pick up some groceries or seeing the sights you spoke your native language.

    There is a problem in the United States. Scratch that...there are a lot of problems. One of them is not what language people are talking. Another non-problem, the traditional cultural and/or religious garb people are wearing. Now, while I respect the freedom of speech we Americans wear on our sleeve, I don't understand the need to put people down for stupid reasons. Focus on fixing the real problems and not creating petty ones.

    I'm sure you have thoughts to share. What are they?

    Note: I got the info for this post from a forwarded email from a family member. Yes, it did hit a nerve; but this is not a personal attack on any individuals including that family member. We all have opinions, and they often differ. This is just one, but I know we agree on many others. :)

    Wednesday, June 13, 2007

    I love Target! :-)

    Chicago Trip

    Susan and I ran into the city the other night to pick up her toy. While we were there I took a few shots of Michigan Avenue. Man, I love this city. It's crazy, but I'm thinking of leaving it. Think they'll miss me? First shot is of the Wrigley building with the sunset hitting it.

    New artwork by the Tribune building. Of course it's a bull!

    Sidewalk decor...

    And, the Nokia Flagship Store!


    There is only so much personalizing you can do to a uniform. Jay here decided to demonstrate how you can spice up the current t-shirt apparel. I definately think it is a more feminine approach, but still not quite my style. What do you think?

    Tuesday, June 12, 2007

    Susan's New Toy

    Well, while I've gotten 2 toys on that long awaited Christmas list, I'm still waiting on one. In fact Susan got her hands on an N800 Internet Tablet before me! Here's a pic of it. I can't complain too much. I've got my paws on the best convergence device available, the N95. I also got the headset I was waiting on, but it has strings attached. Not literally, but apparently they're not our headsets. They "belong" to the company. No worries though, I love the ones I already have...if I could just find them. :-)

    Well, I just wanted to show off Susan's toy. I'm at work updating the software on it now. That seems to be the only time I can play with it. She loves it, and is on it all the time! What's your favorite gizmo to play with?

    Wednesday, June 06, 2007

    Cruisin' the Mall

    You never get to see this. The mall was cleaning they're floors, so we had to stay late and cover the EC. While working on it, security came by and moved a display vehicle. They had to be up to 15 mph at one point. Too bad I didn't have the video going instead!

    Traffic Jam

    Yesterday this stopped up traffic for close to a mile. It looked as they were having troubles figuring out what to do. The rig is upright while the trailer is behind it in the photo on its side. The problem is that they're still connected. The metal just twisted. Don't worry; I was only 10 minutes late. And, it made a good story for Mike who was sitting at work bored.

    Wednesday, May 30, 2007

    Summertime Desserts

    You have to love when the DQs open back up for the summer. Even when you're eating healthy, you have to treat yourself to at least a small Blizzard! Oh, and don't forget to eat it outside! :-)

    Sunday, May 27, 2007

    Two Days in a Row

    Well, it's me and The Bruce for 2 days in a row. This could be very interesting or mind-numbing. So far it's been a lot of web-surfing and playing with my new toy, the N95. Actually this picture is from it. What do you think? Oh, and I'll keep you posted on the boredom factor and interactions with The Bruce.

    Friday, May 25, 2007

    Single Parenting Sucks!

    This is how it's been for 3 days, and today it's too much. He is right under me, preferably touching me. He chewed through a phone charger. He's pooped and peed everywhere but where he's supposed to. He's obsessed with licking my legs. He refuses to take his medicine (who'd have thought you'd need 2 people to give a 3 lb. Dog medicine). I'm ready to divide responsibility and love time. I'm ready for Susan to come home from vacation for Kodiak's sake. Cuz I'm going nuts!

    Tuesday, May 22, 2007

    Did you know?

    Did you know it's Christmas? Yes, I know it's May. And, yes, I know it's only for me. And finally, yes, I know it's not nice to rub it in other people's faces (i.e. you). But, I'm so excited!

    Sometime this week I'll be getting the Nokia N800 AND the Nokia N95. Also in the near future a new Nokia BH-801 bluetooth headset should be showing up. Okay, I think a few of you had your eyes glaze over. This all may mean nothing to you, but if you only knew, you could appreciate this.

    First, the headset isn't that exciting except it's a perk for work. I already have a bluetooth headset I love and two more backups. I'm thinking of posting pics in the near future.

    The N800 is an internet tablet. It's WiFi based and will simply serve as a toy for at home and work and anywhere else I could be bored with WiFi. I'm also hoping to compress some videos and use it as a media device for Bella when we fly to Colorado for vacation. There will have to be about a million things there to entertain an 18 month old on a airplane; ideally Blue and Dora will be a couple. PS-this is free too. I took a perk from work and traded it for something I wanted more. Shh...don't tell. :)

    Finally (cue Alleluia Choir), the Nokia N95. For some of you more technically inclined (yes, geeks), you are probably shaking your head at the obviousness of this. But, for those of you not, let me spell this out. This is a mobile phone convergence device, or as Nokia calls them, it's a multimedia computer. I'll spell it out: phone, GPS, 5mp camera, mp3 player, podcast player, video recorder (DVD quality), internet (WiFi), bluetooth, PDA capabilities (calendar, contacts, sync to computer, etc), email...do I need to keep going? Oh, it has a $750 price tag. Yeah, I'm getting it for $0. Let's just say compensation for some empty or slow moving promises at work.

    Okay, so it looks like I get a lot of toys for free. Yes, it works out that way, but it's not usually all at once. Things usually happen once or twice a year, if the company or client decides to toss a perk at us. It just happens that everything built up from delays, and they're all coming in at once, hence, Christmas.

    I'm done clicking my heels and screaming, "yippee!" Alright, I may do it once they show up, but I'm done on here. Thanks for dealing with my uncontrollable urge to share.

    Monday, May 21, 2007

    Podcast Possibility

    First and foremost, I doubt I will have anything to say any time soon worthy of a "subscription" to my podcasts (a more accurate term may be random audio files). But, I do love traffic. Right now I'm celebrating my 1 email feed subscriber. So, if you're interested in subscribing, don't let my negativity on my creativity stop you!

    Second of all this isn't really a podcast so much as a test posting of an audio file. It's my lil' sister singing "Blue Moon" one day into my voicemail to cheer me up. It worked. Did it help you at all? It just cracks me up when I hear it. She tries so hard to sing low.

    Finally, if you listen to the sound file, please let me know if it works, what program plays it, and if there were any hiccups. This being a test is going to require results of some sort, and I'd love to have someone try it somewhere other than the computer I'm posting it from.

    Oh, one more thing, if you know how to embed audio files into Blogger with audio controls right there in the post and setting it up won't give me too large of a headache, please let me know. I spent a day researching this, and this is the best solution I was able to find in regards to simplicity, third-party hosts, etc. Thanks!

    Thursday, May 17, 2007

    Good Day at Work

    Okay, I know there are a few of you out there who have finished a day at work and felt good about it. Now, I'm not claiming that you want to then spend all day every day there, just that you left feeling productive and satisfied. That's how I feel today. To be frank, it's been a long time since I've felt that way. The crazy thing is that I love my job.

    I love my job, but it's monotonous, easy, and sometimes downright boring. On top of that I have an emotional attachment to my job, and it hasn't always been the nicest. I've been rejected for promotions, was promoted but given other people's weak links to manage, had my location closed and had my whole team (including me) basically fired, was demoted to keep my job, and oh, passed up for another promotion I was more than qualified for. This is how I know I have an emotional attachment...I'm still there. :)

    All the same I've been tossed a couple bones, and I've gone searching for projects as well. Today was a spectacular day busy with activities, problems, emails, calls, shooting the shit, and just doing my job. I loved it. I smiled the whole way home. We'll ignore the fact that a lot of it was preparations for work to do tomorrow, my day off. :)

    Well, I just wanted everyone in the world to know that I had a great day at work. They tend to be infrequent occurrences, so I thought they deserved their dues. I hope everyone else's day was at least tolerable. Was it?

    Wednesday, May 16, 2007

    Back to BlogMad

    So, as you may or may not know (and you could quickly figure out by looking at my archives' dates), I took a bit of a hiatus from blogging. While blogging in the past I often utilized BlogMad, a blogging community and traffic driving tool. Unfortunately due to many factors I stopped blogging and with that came an end to BlogMadding too.

    I've got good news. I'm back! I still can't surf blogs at work, but I sure can at home. And, if I'm blogging, I want traffic. Where better than BlogMad?

    Also, today when I stopped by briefly in the ShoutBox (chatting forum), one of my old pals, Manic, saw me! He was kind enough to give me a shout out. You have to love running into old friends (that you want to see or talk to again). :)

    Tuesday, May 15, 2007

    New Watch

    Here's my new watch. This is the curse of working in a mall. While I don't shop everyday, you tend to find out about sales and store closings. You have to make an exception for those. And so, we have Watch Station closing, and I have a new watch. I'm a sucker for Fossil. Now here's the kicker...it was only $20. What do you think? Nice?

    Edit: The watch is silver despite how it looks in the photo. The lighting is making it look gold. I'm too young for gold. Or, golds too old for me. Hmmm....

    Saturday, May 12, 2007

    Mini-Vacations to the P's House

    This is my parents house where I'm spending the weekend. I just can't seem to get enough of my sisters Sami, Christine, and Bella! Hence why I come up here whenever I get the chance. I'm also a sucker for 3 or 4 day weekends. They're like mini-vacations. While it does cost me the gas to get here, the majority of my meals are covered, I rarely have to decide what to do, and sometimes my mom throws my dirty clothes in with their laundry. How can you beat that? It's just too bad it's only every couple of months. The crazy thing is considering how much Sami changes between each visit as she grows up, you can only imagine Bella. That girl's face changes between visits. I'm grateful for how close they all live, especially when compared to Reno, Nevada where they used to live. But, I would love it if we lived closer. I'd be happy to help haul Sami to a swimming lesson or catch one of Christine's band concerts. Oh well, I guess I'll just be depending on email, phone calls and mini-v!

    Saturday Shopping

    Here are the girls on our way to Birch Run for some outlet mall shopping. You know people just love being in a car for 45 driving through construction. Can you tell?