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    Wednesday, November 23, 2005

    Topic Suggestion #2 - Most Influential Person

    For today's rant I've gone back to Anonomous's suggestions and plucked out number two. Who is the most influential person in my life? That's a complex question. Initially in life it's your parents. Then, in adolesence it's your friends or those you admire. Next is adulthood. Here you would expect an educated person to either choose a historical person or literary figure or a prestigious individual in a person's line of work. Or, maybe they go back to one or both of the parents, recognizing the time and patience that went into molding you into a productive, successful, self-relient individual.

    I'm not purposely going against the grain or wallowing in adolescent imiturity, but I would have to say my best friend and roommate, S. Truth is, I live with the girl. 33-50% she decides what we eat, genre-wise at least. If I'm not sure on an outfit, I say "Hey S, which one to do you like blue or red?" If something in a movie was controversial, usually she's in the livingroom or the theater with me and I say, "Hey S, what are your views on that? Why?"

    It's not that she is just influetial out of convinience either. S is educated and grew up in a similar family environment, yet we are so different in our views about family, friends, work, religion, ect. And at the same time, I know we have similar morals and values, so I know that her perspective is viable in my situations in life. When you have someone you respect and charish living across the hall from you, it's hard for them not to affect your daily life and become a major influence in your life and decisions. In fact, she'll probably decide the next time I have pizza. I should call her about that...

    Friday, November 18, 2005

    Ha! People are reading this!

    Well, I've had a much better response than I ever expected (even with me emailing the link to a few people). I have opinions and ideas already being proposed.

    To those who comment: I wouldn't mind reading your blogs to also jump start my brain and introduce me to other approaches to blogging. I can also put links on my blog, and I'd be happy to add your blog site to increase traffic and comments. Just let me know.

    Topic Suggestions & Choice:

    Upon heavy review (at least 60 seconds), I've decided to address suggestion #6 from Anonomous, "What is the best movie you've seen in the last year?"

    This is tough and for that reason I am going to list two movies. First, I thought that "Must Love Dogs" was the best for entertainment this year. It was the first movie in a long time where I laughed that hard, got that involved with the characters, and truely forgot about the outside world for the length of the whole movie. Unfortunately, I saw it when it was first released and not since, therefore I don't have a lot of comments on it because it was so long ago. :)

    The other best movie I saw this year was "Crash." This movie was extremely provacative and held nothing back. It is not for the faint of heart as it addresses race in a crude, no rules storyline. If you want a movie to get in your face and force you to consider the truth and reality of a story and the social issues, this is the movie to watch. It is not polite or PG13. The writer, director, producers, ect do not dance around the racial issues still around. There are people today in all regions, walks of life, and backrounds that are not blind to the color of skin. As sad and dissappointing as that may seem, we need to recognize this to change it. Pretending that racism is a part of history and no longer alive is just nurturing the problem. This film screams that. If you want to live in a world where there are not barriers, insults, assumptions made about an individuals race, heritage, religion, sexuality, ect, you need to accept the fact that those barriers and insults and assumptions are alive. Talk to people, teach children, ask questions to continue eliminating these preconceived ideas from our society today for tomorrow.

    Well, that got me going. So, in conclusion I recommend "Must Love Dogs" and "Crash."

    Wednesday, November 16, 2005

    Topic Matter

    Unless you are someone who ALWAYS has an opinion to share with anyone who will listen, blogs seem like a self-inflicted dose of writers' block frustration. Every day or so you sit down to write thoughts, feelings, opinions, whatever to share with whoever reads your blog. Am I really supposed to have something to say each day? Or am I more passive than I realized until now?

    I don't know the answers to those questions, so I am proposing this...anyone who happens to stumble upon my blog either by accident or because I felt daring enough to send you the link, feel free to post topic ideas. I know this could be considered the wimpy way to start a blog, but I see no problem asking the world to start the ball rolling. Maybe someday I'll have conditioned my mind to constantly be developing ideas and opinions that need to be voiced and exercised on the internet for any and all to read and comment. As of now I have no boundries for topics, questions, ideas; although I do reserve the right to change my mind - as any woman would.

    So, World Wide Web, do your worst or best to generate topic matter for my new venture into entertainment.

    Tuesday, November 15, 2005

    This is the last time I do what somebody recommends...

    Here is my first blog entry. There are no promises that this won't be my last. I was told to try blogging to entertain myself during the slow lulls of the work day. The only problem with the recommendation is that I don't hold blogs in the highest opinion. I figure for now I can try it. If it is remotely entertaining, maybe I'll keep it up for a while. For now...there are no promises.