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    Saturday, July 14, 2007

    Feedburner & Jaiku

    Well, as you may or may not have noticed, I added Jaiku to my left sidebar. I recently joined Jaiku for a few reasons. First, I'm always trying out the different things available to Nokia users, especially the N95, so I'm prepared for questions at work. Oh, and I want to have those cool things on my phone too. Second, the idea of Jaiku intrigues me. The idea behind "micro-blogging" fits my lifestyle very well. Maybe I don't have time or ideas to blog about more than once or twice a week. With Jaiku I can give mini updates all the time with only the time of a text message. Finally, Jaiku is another community that I can network, socialize, and drive more traffic back here to my blog.

    So, interestingly enough I added Jaiku to my sidebar and within 48 hours my blog subscriptions shot through the roof from 1 to 12. What a high! I thought it was great. Sadly enough this afternoon I checked my stats again and the subscriptions have dropped to 6 already. What did I do or not do to lose them so quickly?

    Oh well, life and blogging and now micro-blogging must go on. If you have ideas as to what happened with those crazy stats jumping up and then dropping down right away again, let me know.

    What communities other than Blogger are you a part of to cross-drive traffic? Do you add widgets to your blog? How has that affected your traffic? I'm interested in what your opinions are and your experiences. Thanks for sharing!

    Oh, one more thing...do you like the Jaiku widget on the side? Thoughts?

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