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    Sunday, July 26, 2009

    Can I have your fanciest most expensive car please?

    Today I saw a man and his wife return two smartphones because they were "too much" for them.  Now, please do not immediately assume I am going to judge people to try another step beyond their comfort zone for technology.  I applaud that.  I encourage people to step a little outside of their comfort zone and try something new.  However, I think one should utilize the resources they have available to them to learn the new technology.  It drives me nuts when someone assumes that by touching their new toy telekinetically they'll know how it works - the user manual just uploading to their brain through touch.

    Today's witnessed return and my personal resulting frustration with people's lack of desire to learn - the American need for instant gratification - made me wonder...what if we bought everything the way we buy technology?

    Can you imagine someone walking onto a car lot and telling the salesperson they want whatever is the latest and greatest?  How many sports cars would be stalled before leaving the car lot?  How many would get on the interstate unable to handle the power of the engine?

    Can you imagine someone wanting to learn how to shoot a gun?  They walk into the store telling the salesperson they want the one that does the most.  How many high powered semi-automatic guns with laser scopes and more be sold to people firing a gun for the first time?  Can you imagine the emergency rooms?  "The, uh, gun had a bit too much kick back for me."

    Even sporting equipment could be an example.  High priced top of the line skis, snowboards, bicycles, golf clubs and more could all be bought for their name, their features, their price point and more simply being "too much" for the customer.

    Here's my thing.  Don't buy anything you're not interested in learning how to use.  Don't waste a salesperson's time if you're not going to ask questions.  Don't buy something based on anything but your needs.  People, it is a waste of resources - all resources - to buy something just to return it a week later.  Ask questions, utilize resources provided to you, seek out additional resources and take the time to learn how to use what you bought.  Nobody buys cars, guns, sporting equipment or anything else simply because it's the newest one with the most features unless they have an idea of what they're doing with it.  Use the same common sense when buying consumer electronics.

    Wednesday, July 08, 2009

    Television Shows That Keep Me Entertained

    Back row: Lane, Michel, Paris, Richard, Emily,...Image via Wikipedia

    Without actual television I watch a lot of "television" on dvd. Susan and I both buy seasons of television on dvd which has a number of pros and cons. For example is disappointing that I can't watch episodes when they air. This keeps me out of the loop when conversations about television are taking place. It is rare that someone discusses that one episode three years ago on 24. However, I can watch episode after episode without waiting a weeks time. There is also the amazing technology of pause and rewind. It's a crazy concept.

    Looking over the television shows Susan or I own I've realized that I like two types of shows. One - I like crime shows. I spent most of my winter break this past December, when we did have television, watching immense amounts of CSI (all variants) and Law & Order (again all variants). There must be something about the basic formula of problem, discussion and solving that appeals to me. At least that's what I tell myself. It's that or I have a morbid sense of entertainment.

    This is a great segway for the second type of television I enjoy. This one has less interest in the structure of the show and more focus on the script writing style. I like quick and flippant interchanges, and they get a special pat on the back if they integrate society and cultural references and quips. Top contenders include Gilmore Girls, Sports Night and Bones. And, while Bones is not my favorite show of all time, it holds a special place in the lineup as it is a crime show and has quick script with cultural quips.

    I enjoy television because it's mindless. I appreciate the fact that my brain is used more when I sleep is a lovely bonus. However, I think I really like it to be intellectual in some way hence my interest in the two types of shows listed above.

    What kind of television shows do you like? Oh, and if your answer is reality tv, not only am I not accepting that answer but maybe you should do some reflection as I have.
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    Tuesday, July 07, 2009

    Giving it to God...at the Airport

    I'll try to keep this concise...

    Today a good friend of mine was traveling and sent me a text message in response to me wishing her safe travels. As with any international flight, there was a long leg of the trip she expressed grief over. It made me think back to when I was in college.

    Soon after my sophomore year of college began, my family relocated from 4 hours driving away to 4 hours flying away. Needless to say I began a stretch of time where I was traveling fairly regularly to visit on breaks. It was during that part of my life standing in O'Hare Airport often with two flights and a layover ahead of me (2 flights are cheaper than 1 ironically), that I learned to give things up to God.

    Some would argue I was giving up to which ever airline I was flying that day, but in hindsight I think I was giving up to God. I realized talking to the ticket agents and flight attendants that these men and women completely determined if I was going to get where I wanted when I wanted. The harder I fought, the less likely things were going to improve. I also realized, simply by watching other disgruntled travelers, that yelling, pouting, screaming and threatening the airline employees would not make the delays shorter, the flights quicker or the weather more clear. It got to the point where I would prepare for the whole day to be consumed with travel, sometimes more than one day.

    My goal was to get to my destination. And, that was as complex as it got - I removed time and comfort from the equation. I paid a significant amount of money to a company to get me from Point A to Point B, and with that exchange of money I transferred all control and responsibility. I was to simply show up and do my best to not become emotionally involved in the process.

    Looking back I think I was learning to give things up to God. I give God my life and try not to get too emotionally involved in the process, and God gets me from Point A to Point B on God's schedule on God's route with and without weather delays.

    How does your travel habits reflect your relationship with God?

    Monday, July 06, 2009

    Mobile Web Server

    Previously I mentioned a mobile web server/website. It's not gonna happen. I'm not sure I understand the benefits and point to it. If I want to blog from my phone, I can simply message into Blogger. If I want to post photos, I have a number of ways of doing that. If I want people to know where I am, I use Google Latitude. And, if you want a photo of where I'm at, text me. If you don't know my number, it's not hard to find...or, I don't know you so you shouldn't be able to request a photo.

    All and all, it seems like a waste of memory on my phone and energy for management. I will continue to try new services and technologies crossing mobile, computer and internet...a mobile web server will just not be one of them.

    I'll try to remove the sidebar link soon...just not right now.

    Wednesday, July 01, 2009

    None of that Sissy Crap (from a good friend)

    Are you tired of those sissy 'friendship' poems? Well, here is a series of promises that actually speak of true friendship. You will see no cutesy little smiley faces; just the stone cold truth of our great friendship.

    1. When you are sad --I will jump on the person who made you sad like a spider monkey jacked up on Mountain Dew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. When you are blue -- I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.

    3. When you smile -- I will know you are plotting something that I must be involved in.

    4. When you're scared -- we will high tail it out of here.

    5. When you are worried -- I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be until you quit whining, ya big baby!!!!

    6. When you are confused -- I will use little words.

    7. When you are sick --Stay away from me until you are well again. I don't want whatever you have.

    8.. When you fall --- I'll pick you up and dust you off---After I laugh my butt off!!

    9. This is my oath...I pledge it to the end. 'Why?' you may ask -- because you are my FRIEND!

    Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it, but only you can feel the true warmth.