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    Tuesday, August 29, 2006

    Long time, no blog

    It seems when you do what is important to you other things fall off. That is where this blog has gone...fallen off. Right now we're moving, working, schooling, growing, healing, and just trying to have fun. Even my email is filling up as I only read things that I've been looking for in there.

    Susan, Michelle, and I are waking up each morning just trying to get through the day like everyone else. If in the process you've been neglected and you're confident we didn't do it on purpose [ ;) ], drop one of us a line. We'd love to tell you about the latest adventure.

    By the way, if you can think of something better for us than Wendy's late at night, please leave the suggestion in the comments section. We eat Wendy's way too much!

    Thanks for dropping by. Someday I'll blog more again. Until then...tata...