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    Sunday, April 30, 2006

    Washington: without the Politics just the Humor

    Last night there was just another dinner in Washington with politicians, celebrities, the press, and yes, the President. But this dinner was a bit different than the others. First off, there were two George Bush's. I know for many liberals out there this is your worst nightmare. Don't worry, today we're back to just one. This dinner was packed with comedy including a George Bush impersonater. I've included a link to the article at the bottom of the post. I just wanted to say two things about this event.

    First, despite the civil unrest in this country regarding our government, our leaders, and specifically George Bush, kudos Mr. President for being able to step back and laugh at yourself. If you can't make fun of yourself people, you shouldn't be making fun of anyone!

    Second, I want to share my favorite quote from the evening. It takes a very intelligent person to make fun of everyone in a room and have them laugh with you. Kudos to Steve Colbert for accomplishing this feat with flying colors.

    Regarding the press "[Steve Colbert] said, 'What incentive do these people have to answer your questions, after all? Nothing satisfies you. Everyone asks for personnel changes, so the White House has personnel changes and everybody's like, oh, they're just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. First of all, that's a horrible metaphor. This administration is not sinking. This administration is soaring. If anything, they are rearranging the deck chairs on the Hindenburg.'"

    Bush, celebrities attend press corps dinner

    Saturday, April 29, 2006

    Continuing on the Coke Obsession

    So, in addition to my last posting, I wanted to let everyone know I've tried Coca-Cola's latest venture: Coca-Cola Blak. It combines my two liquid obsessions: Coke and coffee. I know it sounds quirky, but it is quite good. I'd say the word that best describes it is refreshing. You have a kick of coke flavoring initially followed by the subtle after taste of coffee. I've only seen it individually in gas stations so far, but I'd be willing to by it in six or twelve packs down the road.

    How about you? Have you or would you try Coca-Cola Blak? If you have, what did you think?

    Friday, April 28, 2006

    Yum!!!! Coca-Cola

    I love Coca-Cola. I could drink it all day, every day. In fact now that I mention it, I almost do that already. Anyways, I drink it, collect memorabilia, decorate my kitchen with it, talk about it, and now I've found blog about it! It's great. I've included a link below. Please visit as it may become my blog away from blog!

    My Sunshine Coca Cola Loft

    I've got 3 Columns!!!!

    For months I've been tweaking and personalizing my blog. Mind you, this doens't mean I'm done. I want to add a calendar and beef it up a bit more. But, I've accomplished something that I was told couldn't be done. I've combed my way through blogger help, google groups, and random blogs found through BlogMad. Everyone said I had to implement a new template and repersonalize it if I wanted three columns. As one fellow blogger put it, "It's more than adding a couple tags."

    *insert buzzer sound*

    Thank you to Pam Blackstone, I tweaked my template into 3 columns. I'll be spending more time browsing her blog learning other tips and work arounds. I've included her link below. Please let me know what you think. I'm always interested in people's opinoins.

    Random Bytes: Build a Three-Column Blogger Template!

    Thursday, April 27, 2006

    Colleague Bob < 2 Weeks

    Okay, so I planned on signing on today and posting about a childhood anecdote that has stuck with me. Instead, my day is interrupted by the bane of my existence...my colleague we'll call Bob.

    Bob is gone May 5. He is insisting on dragging my other two teammates and I through the sludge of every annoyance and idiosyncrasies he has until that date. Today he is blessing me with his ability to read. I don't know if he loves hearing his voice or just making me want to physically rips my ears off and shove crumpled paper into the side of my head. I'll draw a picture for you...

    We have two laptops side by side. We can surf, read, and type comfortably without having to really interact. In fact, my colleague (we'll call Lynn) and I joke about how we can sit for hours together and never really talk. Bob sits at his computer while I quietly read, type, and so forth. I won't make eye contact or even grunt acknowledgement, but he'll continuously read articles and headlines (some work relevant, some not) to me all day long!!!! There have been times where I've looked up the email or article per his insistence, and he's read it to me over my shoulder!

    Honestly, I passed the sixth grade. I even graduated high school and college. Does he have to read to me?

    In the end my only solace is...8 days left. I'll try not to rant about everything else about him I'll never miss when he's gone.

    Wednesday, April 26, 2006


    I am becoming obsessed! I love it! If you have ever read my blog before, or if you just read the header, you will know that I have a lot of down time in my job. Just so you know, I am not breaking any rules by surfing, blogging, or browsing. With this down time I am out exploring, learning, and, when I hit the right blogs or celebrity news, laughing. While out exploring the endless galaxies of internet, I have developed a love affair with...you guessed it... Google logo.gif. I can not help it; I have tried.

    I use Blogger, Google Personalized Home Page, Gmail, Google Page Creator, Google Groups, and now Google Calendar. I am constantly combing Google Groups for ways to successfully integrate each aspect of my obsession. I utilize it on a personal level, and now I am working to maximize our family's contact through the Google tools. Yes, I am completely aware that my love affair is almost completely submersed in the term "beta." I do not care. We will make it despite tough times ahead. I believe in Google.

    Now, I will admit my only complaint. But, I am willing to admit it because it is the most common, and we all know that if Google loves me back, they will fix it. Google's ventures tend to not be as completely versitile as most of us would like. For example, Blogger does not have calendar capabilites or catagories. There are examples in each of the tools by Google that I utilize. But, fellow Google users out there, trust in Google. They will integrate, modify, and someday challenge Disney as a cultural cult.

    Who is with me? Let me know if you agree or disagree. I would love to hear peoples' perspectives on where Google is going.

    Saturday, April 22, 2006

    New Counter!!!

    As many of you know, BlogMad recently had a meltdown of sorts. I was one of many who suffered the consequences of utilizing a product deemed "Beta." I am recovering nicely. Fortunately I was not one of the poor saps who had 2,000 credits or a "Killer" rating.

    I did however lose the credits I did have, my "Great" rating I had just acquired the night before the crash, and all link capabilities. I created my new account and went to work at tweaking my blog template with correct referral codes and such. BUUUUUUUTTTTTTTT, no matter what I do I can't get the counter to work.

    So, starting today I've implemented a new counter in my footer. Stat Counter not only will put my numbers down below, but they'll track how long people stick around, the visitor's country of origin, and even how many returning guests I've had. I don't know what I'll think down the road, but the site comes highly recommended. Feel free to follow the link and get your own counter with statistics!

    Thursday, April 20, 2006

    Yea!!! I'm better...now, what to write?

    Yea!!! Today is the first day I've felt well enough to claim I could be cured! Now, I still can't eat much more than a cup of food at once cuz my stomachs so small, but my mom thinks I should milk that as long as possible. We'll see; I do enjoy my food.

    Now that I'm back up and running, I need to think of something fun, exciting, catchy to write. Problem is that I'm off again tomorrow, Sunday, and Monday; we all know I'm not going to sit down and write while Darrick's in town.

    Well, Darrick and I are going to a wedding this Sunday. We'll see how that goes. I'm friends with the bride, but we haven't seen eachother since probably last July. I know it's been ages since we've talked too. I'm bad when it comes to calling people. Unfortunately, Darrick says he's leaving Sunday night instead of Monday. I guess it won't be a night of dancing and drinking until the sun comes up like the last wedding we went to in October. Oh well, at least I have Monday to sleep still. Am I a little bitter? Yes. Should I be? You tell me.

    Tuesday, April 18, 2006

    Expectations vs Reality

    For those of you who know me best or have even read previous posts, I had a big weekend planned. I traveled to Michigan to spend my birthday and the Easter holiday with my family. There were museum plans, dinner plans, and other activities to pack the weekend.

    Here is where the lesson in expectations versus reality comes in...I got the flu. I didn't get a little food-borne illness that wiped me out for 24 hours. I have had my ass kicked. I haven't enjoyed a meal since Saturday around 9am CST. Check the timestamp on the posting; it's afternoon on Tuesday.

    So, please bear with me. I know I haven't posted all weekend, but I may need a couple more days to get up and running. Thank you for your understanding.

    And remember, expect the worse and you'll never be disappointed!

    Wednesday, April 12, 2006

    Growing Up...What it means to me

    In a previous post, Quarter Century, I mentioned the fact that I'm getting old (please see disclaimer in same posting). I also clearly stated that I have no intentions of growing up. Well, the truth is that for some time I've been trying to incorporate miniscule adult things into my life to make it a bit more fulfilling. I am not changing my mind, but continuing something I started working on well before my turn of the quarter century.

    One of these things is becoming a morning person. You ask anyone I know and they will tell you I love my sleep. But, when I do drag my lazy ass out of bed, I wonder about all the things I'm missing out on by being asleep so long. I think about how I could run in the morning. *laughing incessantly* (Okay, hold on while I dry my eyes and get rid of the side cramp.) Or, I could suck down a pot of luscious coffee. Or, I could spend some time quietly praying or meditating or both! No matter what, I think I should start working past the nights of 9+ hours of sleep.

    So, I'm starting a training program to become a morning person. I'm going to stair-step my way from 8/8:30 on work days (10 on days off) to 6:00 am every day. I'm going to then put 6 am into a holding pattern for at least 2 months to create a habit. Ideally I'll then be able to wake up comfortably at 6 am any morning and occasionally make a conscious effort to sleep in until 8 randomly.

    Now what will I do with my new found time? You tell me. What do you, or would you, do with your mornings before work, school, ect? Or, what should I do? Either way, please wish me luck as I know the odds, gods, and my body are against me!

    Tuesday, April 11, 2006


    I've added a counter. I know Blog Mad is sending the majority of my traffic, but I'm interested in if people are coming back on their own. Or, maybe I'm drawing people in when I leave comments on their page. Or, maybe...okay, I won't work through all of the scenarios. Either way, there is now a counter.

    As of April 11, 2006 at 12:15ish, you are now being counted. Enjoy!

    Also, the next post is long but somewhat random. Don't be frightened by it's length. I write quickly! :) (Or, is it you who reads quickly? Who knows?)

    The Quarter Century

    This upcoming Saturday will be a somewhat momentus event in parts of the country. For many it will be known as Tax Day and mean standing in line at the post office until midnight to get their federal and state taxes postmarked in time. For others it will be a mournful day remembering those lives lost on the Titanic 94 years ago. Other history buffs may focus on the assasination of President Lincoln 141 years ago. For me it will mean getting old.


    On Saturday I'll have a quarter of a century under my belt. Now I do believe that you're only as old, or young, as you feel, and I don't typically feel old. But, when I refer to my birthday as a quarter of a century or I think about the bills due this week or I watch my sister in high school fret over what color her prom dress should be, I feel old.

    As a result of this upcoming birthday that the people I love insist on recognizing with presents, food, and wishes of a great year, I've decided to change. I'm changing absolutly nothing! I try to be responsible. I pay my bills, strive to move ahead at work, and look out for my friends and family. I also have a great time when I'm not thinking about bills, work, and responsibilities.

    I am anything but old when I'm with my family. How can I be? I have sisters who are 20, 16, 10, and newborn. We work hard to keep our maturity levels at a condusive level. My parents cringe but still take us in public, "seefood" and all!

    My friends and I are not old. We run around Chicago yelping like 4 year olds and laughing until we cry. We still enjoy staying up unresonably late on "work" nights and maybe a night of drinks once in a while.

    And when I'm with Darrick...well, he's got two things going for him when it comes to making me feel young when I'm around him. First, the sweetheart is older than me. Who feels old when their boyfriend is already over the 30 mark? Also, he has the heart of a teenager and sometimes the humor. The best is when he giggles like a little boy!

    So, this year I might actually send out Christmas cards or get up before 10am on a day off but other than that, don't expect much to change. I like living by the seat of my pants, especially when it comes to having fun.

    With that in mind, we can all mourn taxes and death, for they are certain, but don't cry for me. Once we stop flashing the number all over the birthday cards, emails, and birthday cakes, I'll forget and go back to acting like someone whose in their early 20's not the mid!

    Saturday, April 08, 2006

    Mmm...the "boob tube!"

    I admit it. I could sit all day flipping through the channels of the tv. I would be content to watch pointless daytime television, sitcom reruns, and random movies "made-for" and not "made-for" television. Why? Who knows! My mom hates it. She always harrassed me about wasting time watching the "boob tube," apparently a term for the television from before my time.

    All in all, I try not to get absorbed in the black hole pumping weak storylines and wretched reality shows into my head. BUT, I have a few favorites that I have to watch. The top of my list...(drumroll please)...Gilmore Girls!

    There is just something about the charcter interaction and the quality of comedy. I admit; I have a college degree. But still, I miss half the jokes because they're so quick witted and deep with culture and arts. Despite the sometimes challenging quips, the storyline always seems to keep my attention. As with most good daytime or primetime soap operas, whomever you want to get together never does, but when they do, something else in the happy virtual universe goes awry.

    Here's my concern: the WB is going away. What will happen to my Gilmore Girls? my Lorelai and Rory? my Dragonfly Inn? my reason to scream at my sister when she doesn't remember to tape it?

    If you have the answers, please let me know. As the sixth season wraps up, I'm worried about the little world I permit myself to get sucked into on the "boob tube" each week!

    Friday, April 07, 2006

    Blogger Obligations

    For those who drop by regularly, or are brought here via Blog Mad, you may have noticed me slacking a bit. I left town (see previous post), and since returning, have not posted anything. I haven't had anything to say. Yet, here I am writing a post. I feel obligated.

    Yes, this was started for my own personal ramblings when I felt so compelled. Yes, this was just for those closest to me to check every so often. But, yes, I signed up for BlogMad, a service whose sole purpose is to drive traffic to my blog whenever I have the required credits. Thus, my guilt for not posting.

    So, today's question is...does anyone else have this deep feeling of obligation regarding their blog? Cuz, I know I do!

    Tuesday, April 04, 2006


    So, tonight I attended a National Wild Turkey Federation banquet. It was great. I can't say I ever thought I would attend one; in fact I only heard about the organization in the last few monthes, but it was entertaining.

    The reason for attending was Darrick. Although he doesn't hunt, he is on the committee thus our attendence. With that in mind, I won't be posting much else for a day or two as I'm visiting him. Sorry about the stalemate on postings, but please feel free to browse my archives as I'm always looking for comments and opinions! :)

    Sunday, April 02, 2006

    ATTN: Simpson's Fans...

    The Simpson's are going to the big screen - for sure this time! According to a number of news resources there is a trailer for the movie floating around. I haven't been able to find it, otherwise I'd link to it. If you see it online, please let me know. The movie set to release July 27, 2007. See here for the different articles.

    On a side note in my experience, adults weren't keen on The Simpson's during my childhood. Then, I went to college, and professors were using it as a learning tool all of the time. I realized how complex the comedy was in the individual storylines in addition to the slapstick humor, but when I tried to explain this to my parents, my theory on the "educated" structure was disregarded. Has anyone else had similar situations? Is this show either loved or hated without a middle ground? Let me know what you think.

    Can you have Writers' Block for starting?

    Okay, I know the question doesn't make sense, but I tried to sum this up as best as I could. Bear with me, and let me explain.

    I like to write. I actually have my minor in English - Writing (a small schools way of differentiating the different categories in the English department; it's not meant to define the language of writing). I never enjoyed papers in college: the research, the constrictions, the requirements; BUT, I loved writing them. And, I loved the fact that there was direction given on topic matter and purpose.

    Now, I'm almost three years out of college, and still just talking about writing. Susan and I talk about it all the time. One of us instigates a conversation about how we miss it and our aspirations. She's better about keeping a journal; I fail miserably every time. I'm better about keeping the blog, but it's not quenching my thirst for writing. It's not the format, structure, concept my mind is craving. Thus, we have my question...can you have starting writers' block? writers' block for starting? writers' block without ever writing?

    If your answer is yes, then I have it. I want to write. I want to write fiction in short stories or even a novel with Susan. I want to write nonfiction as papers on topics of interest. I want to write to be published or even not to be. It's so much bigger than me though. I can't seem to start. I can't get my thoughts organized. I can't jump start my imagination enough to draft a storyline. When I sit down to write, I'm blank just like the computer screen or the notebook in front of me.

    So, do you have the answer? Is it a special classification of writers' block? And if yes, do you have a remedy? Please let me know if you do. I'll try it. I'll also keep you posted of my success or failure at using it; as I know I'll probably be the problem with it's success or failure, not the remedy's.