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    Thursday, June 29, 2006

    Busy, busy, busy

    It's amazing what a little work can do to you. I am coming home at night just exhausted. Due to the recent changes on the rules at work, I've been looking for more ways of getting involved at work. I started working as the editor on the monthly newsletter. I began sitting down with my team members for one-on-ones that will happen every week or two. Anytime I have a new idea I pass it along. Upper management has proposed a contest, so leave it to me to decide to win it.

    I could ramble for a while. For the sake of those few who still make it by despite my vacancy at BlogMad, I will shorten this posting. Because of the internet rules I can't blog at work. Because I can't blog at work I'm looking for other ways of keeping busy. Because I'm keeping busy I'm too tired to come home and blog.


    Some day I'll find a balance. Bear with me.

    Saturday, June 24, 2006

    New Rules :(

    While the cat's away, the mice will play. That is, until the rules change, you're made the cat, and you can no longer blog at work. Long story short: the rules have been "clarified" regarding internet usage at work. And, I'm to enforce them. So, no more blogging, surfing, or chatting on BlogMad while bored at work. I shall be entertaining myself in some way work related.

    I shall work to keep involved in my free time now. Please don't cry; I withheld the tears. I can no longer blog, pay bills, or even check my personal email, let alone chat on Gmail. Oh well...

    Have anything to cheer me up with?

    Friday, June 23, 2006

    2,996 Participant

    I finally got signed up to participate in the 9/11 tribute to all of the victims. I encourage everyone to take the time to get involved. We will take one person each and honor them on September 11th. It is the least we can do to remember those we lost.

    Please sign up. According to the site heading this off, we just hit 10%. That's great, but the concern is that if we continue at the current pace, we won't hit 2,996 in time! Please click on the link in the post or in my sidebar on the right, and get involved!

    It takes a lifetime to remember but only a moment to forget.

    (Where do I know that line from? If you know who said it first, please let me know so I may recognize their quote properly.)

    Wednesday, June 21, 2006


    I've been tweaking my template again. I haven't done anything major, but I did work on my sidebar. I changed how the profile views - it doesn't. Which is how I originally wanted it months ago.

    Other than that it's been quiet here. We're fully staffed again, which means there are three people working and only two laptops to entertain us during lulls. Hopefully I get to the point where I can enjoy some blog time at home at night before crashing. We'll see.

    If you've been here before, what do you think about the changes in the sidebar? Or, did you not even notice?

    I'm always interested in what people think makes a blog template attractive and enticing, and what people find as turn-offs. Please share your thoughts.

    Monday, June 19, 2006

    Mini Vacation with Fam

    I survived a long weekend with my parents and sisters. We had so much fun. The highs were the meals, the laughs, and the non-stop excitement at the house, the waterpark, and Chicago. The lows were the King Tut exhibit, the sunburns, and Susan's grandma's health problems.

    I have pics but they were taken on a 35mm, so I'll need time to develop and get them put onto cd. I love the ability to do that at Wolf Camera!

    My parents, Christine, Sami, and Isabella rolled in mid-afternoon on Thursday. They left early afternoon on Sunday. It seemed like we never stopped even when we watched three movies in a row on Saturday! :)

    We ate at Melting Pot and had just the cheese and chocolate on Thursday night. Friday we spent time at the Field Museum, saw the disappointing King Tut exhibit, wandered around Millennium Park and Michigan Ave, and ate lunch at Grand Lux Cafe. Friday night wrapped up with "Walk the Line." Saturday I had to work the morning and Michelle had to work the evening, so the highlight was a trip to the local park district waterpark. Dad and Isabella stayed home for naptime. The park was fun, but the sun did it's worst to those of us who refused sunblock. That night we watched "Ghost Ship," "Blood Work," and "My Fellow Americans." Then, on Sunday the family packed up while Michelle went to work, and we all met up for brunch at The Egg Basket before they hit the road.

    As I mentioned before, I have pics that I'll post sporadically for the next week or two. It was a great vacation considering I never left home. I can't wait until they spend a long weekend again! Who would have thought someone would say that about their parents and their little sisters.

    What are you doing for vacation this year?

    Wednesday, June 14, 2006


    I was born and raised in Wisconsin and am quite proud of that fact. I was always and still am elated when I heard Wisconsin referenced to in a movie or television show. In fact, I've often heard that Wisconsin is the number one most mentioned state in the US in movies and television. Unfortunately, Wisconsin also makes it onto the television outside of fictional stories and onto the news for odd and often disappointing reasons. For example there was Audrey Seiler, who faked her own abduction, Anthony Scholfield, who steals thongs and was busted with over 800 hidden around his house, or Chai Soua Vang, who - although not from Wisconsin - essentially snipered eight strangers opening weekend for Deer Hunting Season while in Wisconsin.

    This time I think it tops them all as the most confusing and saddening. Ted Junker is building a memorial to Adolf Hitler just outside of Millard, WI. Apparently, he feels Hitler was and still is a misunderstood leader. Mr. Junker also believes his time spent in the German Army was to free the Russians from Communism.

    Frankly, I don't know what to say. It stuns me to the point beyond words.

    Tuesday, June 13, 2006

    Starbucks Wronged Me!

    I love coffee. Actually, I love Coca-Cola too which leads me to believe that what I really love is caffeine. But, then I think about all the different drinks like tea and Pepsi that I don't like, and I think that could be wrong.

    I digressed. I love coffee. I really love Caribou Coffee! If I had a choice, I would always choose Caribou. But, I don't have one near where I work. In fact, there is a Starbucks in the same building as my work. So, out of my deep love and desire for coffee (and the fact that my sister works at Starbucks), I often reside myself to buying it - a lot!

    But today! Today, I wandered over to the Starbucks stand. My eyes were barely open, my mind was still contemplating how I backed out of the driveway let alone drove to work, my legs were aching for the coffee and considering just letting me fall to the ground, and my mouth was dry like sandpaper waiting for the bold minty mocha.

    Long story short: the espresso machine was down; the lame excuse included something about water pressure. Also, due to today's work situation, I won't be able to mosie over there again until almost 1! Hopefully I'll be able to keep my deprived body at a somewhat functioning level until then.

    Wish me luck!

    Oh, do you have a favorite coffee place?


    I got my coffee at 1:15pm. Needless to say apparently the problem this morning was that someone had turned off the water to the espresso machine. A person on a later shift came in, turned the knob, and freed the water. Unfortunately, I have a permanent scowl on my face from my eyebrows being too tired to sit-up earlier!

    Saturday, June 10, 2006

    Happy Thoughts

    Just so everyone knows, despite recent postings and drama, I am so excited to say my parents and lil' sisters are coming later this week! We will most likely enjoy the King Tut exhibit as mentioned a while back as well as a local park district's water park.

    Also, the promotion is going well. I started training this past week, and I think everyone is excited about the changes that will be taking place nationwide.

    My roomies and I are busting our butts trying to clean for the parents, but I know Susan is still excited about her new job and Michelle is working harder and longer now having a car!

    Again, things may seem stressful and dramatic, but we are all trying to bask in the sunshine of positivity that keep peaking around the clouds! Thank you to all understanding my venting and celebrating online lately. I truly appreciate your patience!

    Integrity & Honesty


    The purpose of this blog is listed above. It is for me. It is to entertain me, allow me a resource to write thoughts, and even develop my writing skills.

    I partake in different online services to drive traffic to offer criticism, friendship, and variety. I do track the number of guests as you can see by the counter below. With this tracker I do gather additional information such as your browser, operating system, location, and IP address. I do not use it other than for personal interest.

    I am honest with myself and others on here and expect nothing less from you. With that in mind, I received an email claiming unbiased criticism. I initially responded explaining more details behind the stress. Then, I realized the person said they were from Madison, Wisconsin. I haven't had any visitors from within 50 miles of Madison. No matter what your opinion of me, deal with me only with integrity and honesty!

    If I know you or do not know you, it doesn't matter. Please respect my opinion as I would anyone else's on an online blog, forum, or chat. Please only write to me in comments or email for with integrity and honesty.

    For those of you interested, I have included the correspondence below. I can draw my own conclusions as to where this has come from as I can see the proximity of the recent blog hits to my family members. You can come to your own conclusions. In fact, what do you think? Let me know.



    To: mwgrl5 This is just my opinion, so take it lightly, reading your blog about the car from the grandparents..reading thru the lines, I'd say your comments are from a selfish,spoiled little girl. first of all, your grandparents didn't have to do anything for their grandchild, where's your parents? and as far as a relative fixing it first.. I didn't read anything if that person was being paid for fixing the car. I'm only 22 but if a friend or relaitve offer to help I wait for their open time to do it after all if you had to buy it,and fix it I bet you don't have the available cash ,considering the costs of repairs in Ill. I've been there. Poor student but getting by in Madison

    To: poor student

    I do appreciate your opinion. Unfortunately, reading through the lines got a bit more detailed than you needed to be. I am simply stressed out and tired of the runaround. There is a point when 2 cars are not enough for 3 people and 4 jobs.

    The car that died was one that my parents had given my sister. They have two cars for two parents working in two different towns raising 3 kids still at home with the youngest being 6 months. Additional $ and cars aren't lying around for the taking.

    The relative chosen to fix the car was my grandparents idea. My sister, who has the $ as do I if she didn't, was not given the option to take the car as is, to pay for it outright, or to have it fixed by a mechanic of choice either there or here. And, the $ for the repair was included in the selling price to the grandparents.

    So, when it comes to sounding selfish and spoiled, I'm sorry it came off that way. This was simply my release of frustration on un-kept time frames & promises, and what at times appeared to be manipulation of a desperate girl, my younger sister.

    Thank you for your opinion though. Please come back again as it's nice to having constructive criticism.


    I realized I may have responded emotionally. Upon further correspondence "Poor Student" and I have come to understand eachothers' point of view better. I apologize to "Poor Student" for assuming the worst. Also, thank you to all for tolerating me lately. It's good to know there are people out there who understand the purpose of this blog and every other blog on the web today: the freedom of speech and press!

    To those interested I've included the additional correspondence below.


    To: mwgrl5

    Hi, got your note and read your posting,I'm sorry , guess you need to know what I'm about..I'm from Hisdale,IL 2nd year Med student, I'm Male and work parttime in the mall for a few bucks. Studying most of the time don't date much due to schedule and I'm pooped That's about it. Only reason I responded to your blog as it hit a nerve. I truly respect my Grandparents they have been my mental support, so sorry guess I overstepped my space.

    To: Poor Student

    I understand the hitting a nerve. After reading my post, I realized I too reacted with emotion. Thank you for your opinion though. I do always enjoy a different point of view. In another situation I would like to think you would see that I too respect my grandparents deeply. I have been very defensive for my little sister since we've started living together again. Thank you again for your thoughts. And, thank you for your understanding of the depth of what has become a family drama.

    Friday, June 09, 2006


    To all who float through in the next few days, maybe even week:

    I apologize for the lack of new and/or original posts.

    Things are intense right now on a personal and professional level. In addition to the stresses and dramas of daily life, my parents and younger sisters are on their way to visit for their vacation in less than a week. My roommates and I need to work on cleaning and tidying for their visit.

    Thank you for your understanding and patience. I will be back soon, hopefully with happy tidings.

    Wednesday, June 07, 2006

    So sleepy...so bored...

    This is just a bit of an update to a few preceding posts.

    First, we went and got the car. My sister called up to my grandparents' house last night a little after 9pm, and the car was ready to go. Unfortunately, I wasn't! I had been out with my roommate celebrating her new job offer. I had only one margarita, so my sister hopped behind the wheel to drive the leg up north while I caught some shut eye. Round trip had us home about 6am. Needless to say I am dragging today at work, even though I didn't start until 12:30pm. I'm just thankful for a third car again!

    Also, in addition to just being dog tired, I've had to do HR stuff online for the last two days. While taking care of guests and other projects I had to watch 2 hours of Harassment Training that ended up lasting over 4 hours! Then, today I had to reread the whole Employee Handbook. I guess the first test of a manager is if they can stay awake without supervision when dog tired, bored, and...um...did I say dog tired?

    Well, I'm obviously struggling at keeping a straight thought. I'm going to go suck on my coffee a bit more and prop myself up in the corner. I have two more hours to go at work. I better conserve my energy for the commute home.

    Monday, June 05, 2006

    Things that don't mix:

    • Vinegar & Baking Soda
    • Oil & Water
    • Jalapenos & Acid Reflux
    • Irish & Sunlight
    • Soda & Pop Rocks
    • Family & Cars...
    For the last three weeks I have been dealing with the crap that comes with mixing family and cars. My sister's mini-van (200,000+ mi) finally had a stroke on the side of the road coming home from school. First things first, it was towed to the nearest shop, diagnosed dead, and sold to the highest bidding salvage yard for $100.

    Next step, finding a replacement to borrow or buy. Here's where we made our mortal mistake! We had her go to our grandparents. This of course took coercing by me, my parents, and Susan! She talked to them and eventually they agreed to sell her their old Mercury Tracer, but they wanted some things worked on first...

    *creepy, scary, something wrong is going to happen music starts*

    Our uncle Tom is a mechanic and supposedly agreed to fix the speedometer which lost accuracy over 60 mph but some parts were needed. This pushed back our driving 200+ miles to pick it up a week. Although this wasn't a priority for Michelle, as she drives to work and school on city streets and state highways with speed limits less than that, this was something our grandparents felt was necessary.

    Then things got even more exciting. While fixing the speedometer, Tom noticed the Rear Defrost button and Emergency Lights button weren't working. Well, these two items are detrimental to a vehicle just checked over by a professional mechanic in June in Chicago! Thank goodness he's looking at that defrost!

    Pick-up was postponed. Parts were ordered. Parts were received. Car was fixed?


    My grandparents haven't heard or seen from Tom in over a week! FYI - Tom lives less than 100 yards from my grandparents!

    My sister, Susan, and I have been shuffling 2 cars to commute to work and home throughout the Chicago suburbs for three weeks now. When will we be making our road trip to Wisconsin for the car, only God knows...

    Moral of the story: Family and cars don't mix. Don't borrow them from family (another story about what's happened to my car since my sister has started driving it consistently)! Don't buy from family! Don't have family fix them either!

    Do you have any horror stories involving family and cars? Feel free to vent here; I did!

    Saturday, June 03, 2006

    2000 Guests!

    Next mile-marker - check!

    My First Promotion!!!


    I found out this week that I'm going to be the new Center Manager. The whole process began back in April, and it won't wrap up until mid-June. I'll officially be the Center Manager on June 19th. This is my first promotion ever!

    As with anything new, I'm a bit apprehensive. I'm nervous about the new responsibilities, new accountability for the center, my colleagues, and myself but mostly about moving from an "equal" with my co-workers to their supervisor. This is a completely new position replacing a less-authoritative position; I'm concerned about preconceived ideas of what the role is and coming off too much.

    Right now I'm trying to enjoy the promotion. I'll work with my supervisor and on my own to ease into this role to keep my colleagues trust and respect high.

    Anyone else experiencing changes at work that have them anxious positively or negatively? What do you do to deal with it while on the clock and off?