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    Wednesday, May 31, 2006

    Blogging Idea...hmm...

    Today while chatting on BlogMad, a buddy of mine recommended I write about him for my posting today. After joking around with everyone for a while, I realized that wouldn't be a bad idea. The question is...what do you think?

    I can't make any promises regarding frequency, but what do you think about a "profile/biography" of BlogMad users every so often? I was even thinking of adding a sidebar listing of who's been "profiled" and who's up and coming.

    Is this something that you, the reader, is interested in?

    If this is a go, it's 1 - Manic, 2 - Lydia (her 2nd blog), and 3 - Smash...if they are all really interested...

    Tuesday, May 30, 2006

    Books I'm Reading

    I finally have the "What am I Reading?" portion of my sidebar done. For a while there it just said "Book One - Test." FYI: I wasn't reading that! :)

    I have a link to each book's website and a different one for the author's when available. I'm not sure what else to do with it. Should I post reviews when I finish? Or, find a way to post stars?

    If you have any ideas as to what more to do, please let me know. Thanks in advance!

    Steve Martin & King Tut

    *angelic choir singing "aaahhhh"*

    The King Tutankhamun exhibit has opened in Chicago at The Field Museum. Typically a mention of The Field Museum would trigger an extensive rambling about my love for Sue but not this time! King Tut is in town!

    I'm going to this exhibit as many times as time and money will allow between now and January 1, 2007. I am not exaggerating either. I have wanted to see this for as long as I can remember. I was disappointed growing up when I was told that it had already toured the US and was on permanent display in Egypt. Who would have thought I'd have this opportunity?

    Now, regarding the title...

    While in grade school I had this great art teacher who let us decorate a chunk of the hallway with a theme for a month or so. One year it was King Tut's tomb. We had the walls and ceiling all done up looking like dirt with beautiful gold trinkets "piled up." There were also papermache statues and other "treasures." I loved it!

    One of my contributions was to the audio portion of the display. My father had a record (yes, I'm talking vinyl) of a live performance by Steve Martin during which he did a song about King Tut. In typical Steve Martin fashion, it was quite funny. I wonder if I can find a recording of it today...

    Anyways, King Tut rocks and is in town! Steve Martin is funny! Has anyone else heard this rendering of Steve talking about Tut? Also, anyone else making a point to go see this exhibit while it's traveling the world?

    Monday, May 29, 2006

    BlogMad Quest

    I'm sorry for not posting something witty, interesting, clever, funny, or reflective. I am on a quest to become a Killer ranking on BlogMad. This requires focus and dedication. So, if you're wondering where all of the interesting posts are, they're not here today.

    Join me in surfing to acquire fame and fortune! Or, just a change in rank! :)

    If you're interested in surfing other blogs to generate traffic for your own, feel free to use this: Join BlogMad!
    as I'll get a few referral credits!

    Friday, May 26, 2006

    Hugh The Movie was Great!

    We saw X-Men 3: The Last Stand, and it was worth the two hours saving the best seats before hand and every minute it was playing on the screen. It was 1 hour and 44 minutes long, and the action never stopped. Multiple times I gasped at what happened or what was said. We all were on the edge of our seats wondering what could happen next.

    The acting was great, as were the special effects, dialogue, and of course Hugh Jackman. He was typical laid back Wolverine. I enjoyed every minute of his time on screen. There is a part that disappointingly was very "The Incredible Hulk" where all of his clothing was effected except his pants. It never fails in these comic book stories; there is never enough skin shown! ;)

    What amazes me about Hugh Jackman is his comfort with drama, characters, acting, and himself. He can play tough Wolverine or a hopeless romantic in "Kate and Leopold" or a flamboyant homosexual on stage in "The Boy From Oz." Some men aren't comfortable enough in their sexuality to even watch a theatrical production like that let alone play the lead.

    I suppose that's enough drooling for the day. What about you? Who is an actor or actress that never fails to impress you?

    Thursday, May 25, 2006

    Hugh Jackman here I come!


    Tonight the roomies and I are off to see the third and "final" installment of the X-Men series, "X-Men: The Last Stand" at midnight. While I definitely enjoy the whole series as well as the characters, storyline, actors, graphics, ect, I cannot lie; I'm in it for Hugh Jackman!

    Someday I'll be enjoying my Caribou Coffee casually reading on a streetbench and he'll tell me how he just couldn't keep walking without asking my name. From there our love will flourish. I hope to not hurt any other woman's feelings; sometimes the truth is hard to bear.

    Until then I'll have to just keep going to see him on the big screen. For the other X-Men fans out there, I use "final" loosely, as Hugh Jackman has announced his role in "Wolverine" expected 2007!

    I'll let everyone know how great Hugh Jackman the movie is tomorrow!

    Wednesday, May 24, 2006

    Updates about Previous Posts

    For those returning guests, I am going to start a second blog. Everyone who responded to my little questionnaire agreed that two blogs wouldn't be too much. And, I think it'll help that it will be of completely different subject matter.

    Also, the column for work got off without a hitch. I suckered my two roommates into helping me narrow the stories down to three and then filled in the blanks with my article. The toughest part was coming up with a semi-decent picture of myself to go next to the column title, which ended up being May 2006's Top Picks. I'm ignoring those of you thinking, "Wow, that seemed tough and complex!" It was.

    *rolling my eyes at myself*

    Other than that I'm just enjoying my days off, thus the lack of posting for a day or two. My sister and I made the mistake of looking at rental properties online even though we're not looking at moving until August. We both had a few "aww...it's so cute." I had to convince her not to call asking for a showing.

    Typically change is met with challenge and angst, yet this time I'm getting excited about another "new beginning" even if it is just to another rental in the same suburb. Does anyone else get excited about the prospect of new things? Or, do you confront change with weapon in hand to fight it off at all costs?

    Monday, May 22, 2006

    A Second Blog?

    If you have more than one blog, please continue reading...

    I'm thinking about starting a second blog. But, I don't know if I have the time, energy, or "skill" to keep up successfully with two. I wouldn't want to compromise my original blog for another. Here is where I pose the questions:

    • Do you have more than one blog that you successfully keep updated?
    • If so, how many?
    • Do you make all of the postings on all of them or do you have multiple contributors?
    • Do you have any words of wisdom regarding multiple blogs? thoughts? lessons learned?
    Thank you to anyone who contributes comments on this posting. I have already realized the vast amount of knowledge, experience, and differences amongst bloggers out in the blogosphere. Hopefully some of you can help guide me on this decision.

    Sunday, May 21, 2006

    1000 Guests!

    Today my counter crossed the 1000 mile-marker! I haven't always had this counter, so I'm sure the actual 1000th guest was before this by some immeasurable amount of time. But, this should not distract from the counter in my footer that tells everyone "She's had over one thousand people browse through here. Maybe you should have come by before now!"

    :) I'm just kidding. :)

    I'm glad you're here now! Thank you to all who have drifted through, read some of my ramblings, left your own, and added a click to my counter.

    Looming Deadline

    I've mentioned my "column" for my work newsletter. I don't think I summarized what it's about. Essentially I'm sifting through weekly stories from our internal reporting done every Friday. I choose my favorite three, write an intro, write some commentary, and call it an article.

    I know I've been making this out to be a bit more. I'm sorry if I misled you. Truth is it's harder than it sounds! I have another 25 stories coming in Monday. I've sifted through 50 and narrowed it down to nine. I have to pick the top three, write the article around the stories, and submit it to the "newsletter editor" Tuesday morning.

    I'm feeling the pressure but can't even get myself to write the into to the column or think of a column title. I'm counting on the pressure kicking me into writing mode just in the knick of time just like college - I hope... :)

    But, to prevent too much intensity I should brainstorm column title ideas. Titles are my worst when writing. They're up there with character names. It seems simple but not for me.

    How about other writers out there? What part of writing just seems to trip you up no matter how long you've been with pen in hand?

    *As a side note: any ideas on the column title? Thanks!

    Saturday, May 20, 2006

    Hoffa in the News Again

    I'm sorry. I know it's mixing fact with fiction with myth with legend - I do that all the time in my head - but every time I hear Jimmy Hoffa's name now I think of "Bruce Almighty."

    Apparently the FBI has a lead regarding the location of Jimmy Hoffa's body. The linked article from the Chicago Tribune says this lead has been presented before. The FBI is looking in around Detroit.

    Now, this is where I struggle; I keep thinking Jimmy was already found and reported by our favorite reporter outside of New York simultaneously reporting on the other news team's cannabis dealings! I'm not a huge Jim Carrey fan, but this movie was hilarious. I was initially hesitant due to it's questionable religious connotation yet pleasantly surprised.

    Anyways, long story short: Hoffa is being searched for again and "Bruce Almighty" was a fictional story.

    Friday, May 19, 2006

    I hate publicizing bimbos...

    I hate to do this, but Britney Spears is at it AGAIN!!! Seriously, she is the poster girl for why people should have to have a license to procreate!!!

    According to Forbes this is (as we already know) in addition to other indiscretions regarding Sean Preston. The list starts with her driving with him on her lap. DCFS was called in on that one. Then, the nanny dropped him on his head lifting him out of a highchair; DCFS was called a few days later when Kevin and Britney finally took him to be checked out. I didn't realize until today that's she's also been driving around with the carseat improperly installed.

    Will Britney Spears be the first celebrity to have her child(ren) taken away by the Department of Family and Children Services? I know...celebrities live their lives in the spotlight. Everyday people, especially first-time parents, make mistakes too but don't have it have it publicized to the world. I DON'T CARE! She choose her life in front of the cameras and should live her life accordingly - very carefully!

    What do you think? Is Britney hacking it as a parent, or should she be under the watchful eye of DCFS?

    Thursday, May 18, 2006

    This Past Weekend

    First, a bit of back story...

    We moved a lot when I was a kid, but I spent the majority of my childhood in rural Wisconsin. The last seven years were all in the same community. I knew the most of my graduating class as well as the ones before and after me. But, the majority of the kids I grew up with had lived there their whole lives. I was excepted, but could never lose the "new kid" stigma completely. In addition to the stigma, there was a bad hair style and a wretched nickname. Both generated the best rumors and stories to help me develop character!

    So, when I had an opportunity to go away to college and start with a clean slate, I did. When my parents moved away from the town I graduated in, my visits diminished considerably unless visiting extended family.

    As with all relationships, time and distance had their effects and left me only in touch with a select few out of the many I grown up along side.

    This past weekend though provided an interesting experience. Someone whom I had by chance started talking to again through email invited me to her wedding, and I went! It was nostalgic but good. I don't know that any of the guests will call me again to get together, but it was still nice to catch up.

    When I first went to college four hours from home, I always felt like I went through a transition while driving between locations. This past weekend it felt like the two me's merged a bit, but that they still have their rightful places in the past and present. Maybe some day I'll spend more time with those from the past again or maybe they'll remain in the past except for when I peek back again.

    How about you? Do you feel as though the person that graduated high school and the freshmen who went to college were two different people? Do you keep in touch with those from your childhood or are they merely people to run into by chance?

    Wednesday, May 17, 2006

    Writing Again

    I have found a way to actually force myself into writing again. As one of my goals on my annual review, I pledged to write a regular column in our program's monthly newsletter. With less than a week until my first due date, I am wading through the swamps of writers' block!

    I have no title to my column. I have no opening paragraph to introduce the column. I barely have an outline of where the paragraphs will be pasted in once found in the vast spaces in my head.

    No matter what though I have to have a column written and emailed off by Tuesday, May 23rd! I will have written something, or quit my job (the latter option not really being valid). So, wish me luck; I'm back in the saddle of writing with deadlines just like in college!!!

    (FYI - I "borrowed" this lovely typewriter image from http://www.escapelodging.com/marketing.html )

    I admit when I'm wrong...

    Well, for those of you following my template rants and raves, I have a confession. The improper viewing (main and right column at the bottom) may not only be Blogger but also a Internet Explorer issue. I finally downloaded Firefox, and everything looks great!

    I was wrong about it just being Blogger.

    If you have any suggestions to fix it though, please let me know!

    Tuesday, May 16, 2006

    Screenshot of Template

    This is the last posting about my template. For those of you checking here to see what's wrong, I'm not crazy. This template can be viewed in IE properly. Here is a screenshot of how it should look:


    I haven't posted in a while. It's because I'm lacking patience regarding my template. I know a lot of my postings have revolved around my template lately, but I'm so disappointed in it's appearance. Here I want to drive traffic to read my postings, yet I don't even want to post because of my frustration.

    I've posted questions on Google Groups. I've emailed Blogger Help. I've even posted here about my problems. Nobody has a solution. Right now I'm TRYING to patiently wait and see if Blogger's to blame. Eventually it will present itself nicely for everyone then, right?


    I hope so. Until then, I will try to come back and post something new and original. If you have any thoughts, please share them. I'll try anything.

    Wednesday, May 10, 2006

    Template & PsycHo Template Generator

    I've worked out the template, but it's not viewing properly. All of the columns should be lined up at the top. It looks fine in every browser preview (Notepad/IE and PsycHo's test browser but not through blogger preview or published. I used PsycHo Template Generator. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.

    Sunday, May 07, 2006

    007 - November 17th

    Casino Royale will be released November 17th for all you James Bond fans. I know my mom and dad will be there, maybe not opening weekend, but they'll see it in theaters. My dad has always been a fan. He owns all of the movies, knows the actors by movie and years played, and has passed this 007 intrigue to my mom and I.

    Initially I was perplexed and unsure of Daniel Craig, but the more I read about him and the movie, the more I'm excited.

    November 17th go get your dosage of James Bond! It should be as good as all of the rest!!!

    Coming Clean

    Okay, I didn't follow through. I went home. I ate dinner. I watched a bit of TV. At the point where I should have got off my duff to go work on my template, I went upstairs to my bed where I watched 3 episodes of Gilmore Girls from Season One. I was up until 1:30 vegging out instead of keeping my commitment to you, the World Wide Web.

    I'm sorry. But, I did fully enjoy Gilmore Girls. I wish I could tell you I didn't, but that would be lying. It wouldn't help us develop our relationship. ;)

    I don't know when, but I will fix this. I promise...soon. Just like my conscious, this will be cleaned up in the near future.

    Saturday, May 06, 2006

    Computers, Internet, and Hair Loss

    Initially when I started this blog is was not whole-heartedly. Then, I made some posts with pictures of my baby sister's first couple weeks and baptism; I forwarded the link to family and friends to view this beautiful baby. It was then that I got the taste for traffic. Suddenly blogging had a purpose if people would see it, read it, and comment.

    Now I was going through this transition from "blogging is pointless" to "oh, blogging could be very interesting." I wanted to draw traffic. I wanted to read other blogs. I started reading blogs, looking at their layouts, browsing forums talking about templates and html. I even went so far as to take an online html tutorial.

    Once I thought I had a decent grasp for everything I started tweaking. I would change a color, add a link, make a button, and in the end I had a personalized template that just didn't seem clean to me.

    Per a number of recommendations I tried utilizing Psycho! Template Generator. Leave it to SBC to not allow the page to load at work. So, I ran the laptop over to Apple and stole their WiFi long enough to load the page. I spent hours working on creating a personalized but clean template. At the end of the day, I just had the sidebars to put in my links and stuff. So, I saved the work, made a backup file in Notebook, and closed up shop.

    Today it won't work. I shuffled over to the Apple Store. I loaded the page and then tried loading my saved work. It didn't work. I'm trying to not be frustrated. I've been pulling out my hair over computers, html, blogging, columns and colors, and now this website, and all I have to show for it is this incessant pain in my upper back between my shoulder blades.

    Tonight I'm going home, making a pot of coffee, and working on Psycho! until I have a completed template. I warned Leng that I may not be 100% tomorrow, but I'm getting this done. Next week I take on NRG26's template. I'm guessing that will go as smoothly considering I'll have to call or email her every time I don't know what color or font she wants.


    Okay, I'm done venting. Again, please bear with me through the construction. My goal is to be done by Monday. Come back and look!

    Wednesday, May 03, 2006

    Template Tweaking - What's your opinion?

    Well, I think I've tweaked my template to the point of chaos. I don't know what you think, but in my opinion, it's not easy on the eyes. So, bear with me as I work on tearing it down and building it back up. For anyone who's read here before knows, I have aspirations of adding more content to the sidebars such as a calendar and possibly a list of current readings or guilty pleasures regarding music. But that is down the road as I need an attractive template before content will matter.

    So, please don't run away. I'm going to simplify the number of colors, try to even out the columns, control image and link sizes, and create a header image that is catchy and well-sized all in one.

    As always feel free to leave comments, opinions, and recommendations. Actually, how about this what do you think makes a template or blog visually successful?

    I will still be making regular postings, so please don't stay away due to construction.

    Monday, May 01, 2006

    Days Off - Another Friday

    Well, it's my Friday again. Hopefully I'll get everything squared away with SBC today. I'd like to be able to surf and post on my next two days off. Apparently their 24 hour 7 days a week support is non-existant as we've had problems since Thursday, and we're still offline at home.

    So, with that in mind, I may or may not post again by Thursday. To all have a good start of the week.