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    Thursday, April 20, 2006

    Yea!!! I'm better...now, what to write?

    Yea!!! Today is the first day I've felt well enough to claim I could be cured! Now, I still can't eat much more than a cup of food at once cuz my stomachs so small, but my mom thinks I should milk that as long as possible. We'll see; I do enjoy my food.

    Now that I'm back up and running, I need to think of something fun, exciting, catchy to write. Problem is that I'm off again tomorrow, Sunday, and Monday; we all know I'm not going to sit down and write while Darrick's in town.

    Well, Darrick and I are going to a wedding this Sunday. We'll see how that goes. I'm friends with the bride, but we haven't seen eachother since probably last July. I know it's been ages since we've talked too. I'm bad when it comes to calling people. Unfortunately, Darrick says he's leaving Sunday night instead of Monday. I guess it won't be a night of dancing and drinking until the sun comes up like the last wedding we went to in October. Oh well, at least I have Monday to sleep still. Am I a little bitter? Yes. Should I be? You tell me.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Hell yes you should be bitter...you should just send him off after the wedding and have a friend meet you at the reception. What is the point of going to a wedding if you don't get to get drunk off free booze?
    ~honey bunches of oats