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    Sunday, April 02, 2006

    ATTN: Simpson's Fans...

    The Simpson's are going to the big screen - for sure this time! According to a number of news resources there is a trailer for the movie floating around. I haven't been able to find it, otherwise I'd link to it. If you see it online, please let me know. The movie set to release July 27, 2007. See here for the different articles.

    On a side note in my experience, adults weren't keen on The Simpson's during my childhood. Then, I went to college, and professors were using it as a learning tool all of the time. I realized how complex the comedy was in the individual storylines in addition to the slapstick humor, but when I tried to explain this to my parents, my theory on the "educated" structure was disregarded. Has anyone else had similar situations? Is this show either loved or hated without a middle ground? Let me know what you think.


    Jen said...

    the simpsons trailer was shown prior to the ice age 2 movie.

    Jim Big Toe said...

    I’m pretty impartial on the Simpson's. I used to like them a lot more but I think it is about time for them to go ahead and end their run. Just Sayin…

    Anonymous said...

    The Simpsons is a love/hate kind of show. Some folks hate it simply because it is a cartoon, others just don't get it. Family Guy is the same way, people love it or hate it.

    My fancy for the show has waned in recent years. Nothing they do now is as funny as it used to be, but it's still entertaining. I will see the movie when it comes out, most definitely.

    Cathie said...

    yeah, my mother hated the show and wouldn't let us kids watch it when we were young. it wasn't really until i was out of college that i started to appreciate it.

    Unknown said...

    I love the Simpsons but its brand of comedy is starting to get watered down.

    mwgrl5 said...

    Well, I think everyone seems to be in agreement. Simpson's are great but getting old. Which I think is typical in most comedy; things have to stay fresh and unique. The same humor and same format will get old. I still think it will be interesting what this movie turns out to be. Rumor has it that it will be live action. Hmm...