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    Saturday, April 22, 2006

    New Counter!!!

    As many of you know, BlogMad recently had a meltdown of sorts. I was one of many who suffered the consequences of utilizing a product deemed "Beta." I am recovering nicely. Fortunately I was not one of the poor saps who had 2,000 credits or a "Killer" rating.

    I did however lose the credits I did have, my "Great" rating I had just acquired the night before the crash, and all link capabilities. I created my new account and went to work at tweaking my blog template with correct referral codes and such. BUUUUUUUTTTTTTTT, no matter what I do I can't get the counter to work.

    So, starting today I've implemented a new counter in my footer. Stat Counter not only will put my numbers down below, but they'll track how long people stick around, the visitor's country of origin, and even how many returning guests I've had. I don't know what I'll think down the road, but the site comes highly recommended. Feel free to follow the link and get your own counter with statistics!


    Aurelius said...

    Yeah, I got burned by the blogmad fallout too. Hopefully, things will stay cool in the future. I lost a whole 70 creds, but it sure felt like a lot to me.

    Anonymous said...

    First time I've seen your post, and enjoyed reading here. The new counter sounds great. I'm with Wordpress which supplies a counter, but not all the extras you mentioned.



    prying1 said...

    My favorite counter is sitemeter - You can use it in conjunction with other counters so don't worry about that. It too is free for limited services. For the pro's it is worth the price to open full services.

    You can set it up so others can see your stats or not. Your choice.

    Check it out at - http://www.sitemeter.com/ -

    Anonymous said...

    If you lost anything in the BM database crash, all you have to do is email "support[at]blogmad.net", and they'll repair your stats and lost credits.

    mwgrl5 said...

    Thanks for all of the comments regarding the new counter. So far I'm really enjoying it. I like to see how many visitors I have from outside of the US. I'll be sure to check out the other counter accessories recommended!