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    Sunday, April 02, 2006

    Can you have Writers' Block for starting?

    Okay, I know the question doesn't make sense, but I tried to sum this up as best as I could. Bear with me, and let me explain.

    I like to write. I actually have my minor in English - Writing (a small schools way of differentiating the different categories in the English department; it's not meant to define the language of writing). I never enjoyed papers in college: the research, the constrictions, the requirements; BUT, I loved writing them. And, I loved the fact that there was direction given on topic matter and purpose.

    Now, I'm almost three years out of college, and still just talking about writing. Susan and I talk about it all the time. One of us instigates a conversation about how we miss it and our aspirations. She's better about keeping a journal; I fail miserably every time. I'm better about keeping the blog, but it's not quenching my thirst for writing. It's not the format, structure, concept my mind is craving. Thus, we have my question...can you have starting writers' block? writers' block for starting? writers' block without ever writing?

    If your answer is yes, then I have it. I want to write. I want to write fiction in short stories or even a novel with Susan. I want to write nonfiction as papers on topics of interest. I want to write to be published or even not to be. It's so much bigger than me though. I can't seem to start. I can't get my thoughts organized. I can't jump start my imagination enough to draft a storyline. When I sit down to write, I'm blank just like the computer screen or the notebook in front of me.

    So, do you have the answer? Is it a special classification of writers' block? And if yes, do you have a remedy? Please let me know if you do. I'll try it. I'll also keep you posted of my success or failure at using it; as I know I'll probably be the problem with it's success or failure, not the remedy's.


    weenie said...

    Have you ever considered the NaNoWriMo thing? Details at http://www.nanowrimo.org/
    Ok, so the 2006 one doesn't start until October but if you haven't done something by then....?
    BTW, thanks for stopping by my blog. It's funny that you are one of five girls since I am too, only I'm the 2nd eldest. There's only 7 years difference between oldest and youngest though!

    mwgrl5 said...

    Thank you, weenie! Susan and I are both looking into it. I think both of us will work best under pressure. The question now stands, are we up to the challenge?

    weenie said...

    I'm sure you will be...good luck! :)