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    Sunday, May 07, 2006

    007 - November 17th

    Casino Royale will be released November 17th for all you James Bond fans. I know my mom and dad will be there, maybe not opening weekend, but they'll see it in theaters. My dad has always been a fan. He owns all of the movies, knows the actors by movie and years played, and has passed this 007 intrigue to my mom and I.

    Initially I was perplexed and unsure of Daniel Craig, but the more I read about him and the movie, the more I'm excited.

    November 17th go get your dosage of James Bond! It should be as good as all of the rest!!!

    1 comment:

    None said...

    I'm not to certain about this new Bond. I really like Brosnan ans 007, I just think the last few movies weren't that great.

    Thanks for stopping by.