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    Tuesday, November 14, 2006


    Addiction...do you ever realized it until you're up to your eyeballs in it? It's all about the hindsight, baby!

    Well, my family has an addiction. I've talked about my love before, but until recently I didn't realize how deep it runs.

    My family is addicted to coffee. There are a number of things pointing to addiction when talking about my family and coffee. First, my sister works at Starbucks. That may not seem like a big one until you see the amount of coffee she consumes there and brings home in brewed or still beaned state. Next, my family came down to help my roommates and I move. Remember, my family consists of me-25, my parents-adults, and my sisters-21,16,10, and infant. Yes, three are under the age of 18. Yet, two mornings in a row we went to Starbucks for breakfast. Yes, my parents, roommates, and sisters all piled into Starbucks for coffee and overpriced muffins and such. Finally, when I was home a couple weekends ago there were five unaccounted for coffee cups floating around the kitchen in the afternoon. The pot was brewing another. There were four coffee drinkers and five cups out. Maybe we should have been drinking juice or milk by that point instead of brewing a third or fourth pot for the day. And who was double-fisting it?

    Well, the first step is admittance. I admit it. They should too. But, I like it. I like coffee and caffiene and lattes and addiction to it all! Don't touch my coffee!!! :)

    Tuesday, October 31, 2006

    Happy Halloween!!!

    I just wanted to get a quick post up wishing everyone a Happy Halloween. There is only 30 minutes left, but I still got it in on time!

    Also, I recently bought Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0! What that means is sooner or later I'm going to have to start posting photos. I'll be cropping and editing and coloring and all that good stuff. There is going to be a HUGE learning curve, but I am trying to learn a little more each week.

    It's tough to justify organizing music or photos on the computer when the house around it is a mess. I'll be sure to post when things are going a bit more...um...cleanly. :)

    This weekend I'm up to the parents' house! That means "mini-vacation" for me. I love having them cook and pamper me. I try and help by doing dishes and my own laundry, but it's nothing like taking care of this place. :)

    Happy November, everyone. Don't forget to start holiday shopping. The malls and stores are already getting crazy. Trust me...I know!

    Friday, October 27, 2006

    No news is ? news...

    I have absolutely nothing interesting to say on here. See some of you may already know, but at one time this blog was used against me in a family spat. Now my online diary - also known as a blog in this century - is under constant scrutiny and censorship. I rarely write what I'm thinking or feeling. I rarely write.

    Some day that will change. Some day soon I will start writing on a more consistent basis. I will not edit what I write depending on who will read it or how they will present it to others. I will write my thoughts and feelings as they flow out of my fingertips.

    This is simply a caution sign. If you're afraid you might be offended by me, don't come here. If you plan to print my postings for others to read, know this...I don't care.


    If you are completely confused by what you just read, this posting was not directed at you. I invite you back another time to read my thoughts or feelings for the day. You can also input your email address there on the left side of the page and get notified when I post something new. Go ahead; I don't write enough to take up too much room in your inbox. :)

    Friday, September 29, 2006

    Moving, moving, moved....

    Wow, am I spent! We just relocated to another part of town. The P's came down last weekend and snapped the whip. Everything was hauled from one place to another. Now we have boxes upon boxes stacked up everywhere.

    Today I was just at the old place painting a couple rooms back to white. What is the obsession with white anyways? The blue and green were pretty. And, last time I checked people could paint it a different color if they wanted. Oh well, now I'm heading back to patch a few holes where there used to be pretty pictures hanging and probably shampoo the carpet in the livingroom. You'd never guess by the color of the carpet that we "lived" in that room! (Feel free to sense the sarcasm)

    So, without further ado, I'm going to head over for one last night of cleaning and tidying. That landlord better appreciate the cleanliness of that place. The new place sure isn't looking as good right now.

    I am taking volunteers. We have a lovely couch just waiting to have you sleep on it. Just commit to me that you'll unpack boxes for 6-8 hours before collapsing on it! :)

    Oh well...I'll post pics soon! :)

    Monday, September 11, 2006

    Richard James Stadelberger

    Today's post honors Richard James Stadelberger. We lost him September 11, 2001 at the World Trade Center. Please take a moment to remember him, his family, and friends today in your prayers.

    Information on the internet was scarce, but I have included links to the information and comments I did find. Take a moment to see Richard and the effects he had on the people around him.

    Victims of September 11th

    Remember September 11th

    If you have time, please visit the other 2,995 memorials to those we lost five years ago today.

    Tuesday, August 29, 2006

    Long time, no blog

    It seems when you do what is important to you other things fall off. That is where this blog has gone...fallen off. Right now we're moving, working, schooling, growing, healing, and just trying to have fun. Even my email is filling up as I only read things that I've been looking for in there.

    Susan, Michelle, and I are waking up each morning just trying to get through the day like everyone else. If in the process you've been neglected and you're confident we didn't do it on purpose [ ;) ], drop one of us a line. We'd love to tell you about the latest adventure.

    By the way, if you can think of something better for us than Wendy's late at night, please leave the suggestion in the comments section. We eat Wendy's way too much!

    Thanks for dropping by. Someday I'll blog more again. Until then...tata...

    Wednesday, July 26, 2006


    Everywhere you go you hear people talking about labels. In the office there is training on not labeling people through stereotypes. Don't make jokes about ethnicity or race. When you go to the bars your friends tell you don't judge the person on their looks, all the good looking ones may not be as good looking in the morning. Or, when you're shopping, just because the guy looks better than you doesn't mean he's gay, maybe he's metro.

    No matter what their are assumptions. If they're one religion, they must think this. If they're wearing that, they must be this. If this, than that! And, truth be told that isn't always true.

    But still we fight that battle.

    All labels and stereotypes stem from narrow-mindedness and even ignorance. At least all of the labels I've dealt with in my life. I had a REALLY bad haircut in high school. At the time it seemed practical and nobody close to me said otherwise. Needless to say in a short amount of time I was labeled a dyke. Ah, the joys of adolescence.

    Since then, I've lost that one; but due to the quirks of a small town, I'll never lose others. And for that, I'll probably always avoid situations that force me to be seen with them. I struggle at even entering the Wal-Mart in my home town because I want to be me.

    I will never shake:
    -"Mike's daughter"
    -"LeRoy's granddaughter"
    -"Spaz" from high school
    - or the other numerous pronouns used instead of Elizabeth when spotted in western Wisconsin.

    I love where I grew up. And, I understand the trials that everyone must face with hometowns, families, race, religion, high school, sexuality, etc, etc, etc. But, I look for opportunities to further define myself. I love walking through that hometown Wal-Mart; when someone recognizes me (which rarely happens with the hair makeover) and asks, I tell them about the life I've made for myself in the Chicagoland.

    What labels have you been given, and what do you do about them? Personally, I like avoidance, but not with out correcting them when the opportunity presents itself.

    Monday, July 10, 2006

    Blink of an eye...

    You spend every day, all day working towards goals - short and long. Maybe it's just about the monthly bills that day. Maybe it's about the dream home you want to own years from now. No matter what it always seems to be something different than that moment. Even when you can pause your life and recognize the moment, do you see all of it or just what is in front of you?

    In a blink of an eye...

    you can feel so much frustration and anger that you lash out at someone you love

    you can feel so much sorrow that you focus on tomorrow ignoring today's pain

    you can create a new life

    you can cut someone out of your life refusing to seize control of your emotions

    you heal wounds years deep just by apologizing

    you can have your life handicapped when your transportation disappears

    you can love and hate, end and create...

    all in the blink of an eye.

    Someone very close to me summed up how I've been living my life all in one cliche; unfortunately, I can't think of anyone close to me living any differently. As he said, "We all can't see the forest through the trees."

    What do you do when you see the forest?

    Bit by bit I'm working on it. Bit by bit I choose what is worth the struggle now and what just needs time. Bit by bit I look back recognizing my mistakes, faults, and things that I never had control of. The plan is to learn to see the forest more often...

    God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.

    Thursday, June 29, 2006

    Busy, busy, busy

    It's amazing what a little work can do to you. I am coming home at night just exhausted. Due to the recent changes on the rules at work, I've been looking for more ways of getting involved at work. I started working as the editor on the monthly newsletter. I began sitting down with my team members for one-on-ones that will happen every week or two. Anytime I have a new idea I pass it along. Upper management has proposed a contest, so leave it to me to decide to win it.

    I could ramble for a while. For the sake of those few who still make it by despite my vacancy at BlogMad, I will shorten this posting. Because of the internet rules I can't blog at work. Because I can't blog at work I'm looking for other ways of keeping busy. Because I'm keeping busy I'm too tired to come home and blog.


    Some day I'll find a balance. Bear with me.

    Saturday, June 24, 2006

    New Rules :(

    While the cat's away, the mice will play. That is, until the rules change, you're made the cat, and you can no longer blog at work. Long story short: the rules have been "clarified" regarding internet usage at work. And, I'm to enforce them. So, no more blogging, surfing, or chatting on BlogMad while bored at work. I shall be entertaining myself in some way work related.

    I shall work to keep involved in my free time now. Please don't cry; I withheld the tears. I can no longer blog, pay bills, or even check my personal email, let alone chat on Gmail. Oh well...

    Have anything to cheer me up with?

    Friday, June 23, 2006

    2,996 Participant

    I finally got signed up to participate in the 9/11 tribute to all of the victims. I encourage everyone to take the time to get involved. We will take one person each and honor them on September 11th. It is the least we can do to remember those we lost.

    Please sign up. According to the site heading this off, we just hit 10%. That's great, but the concern is that if we continue at the current pace, we won't hit 2,996 in time! Please click on the link in the post or in my sidebar on the right, and get involved!

    It takes a lifetime to remember but only a moment to forget.

    (Where do I know that line from? If you know who said it first, please let me know so I may recognize their quote properly.)

    Wednesday, June 21, 2006


    I've been tweaking my template again. I haven't done anything major, but I did work on my sidebar. I changed how the profile views - it doesn't. Which is how I originally wanted it months ago.

    Other than that it's been quiet here. We're fully staffed again, which means there are three people working and only two laptops to entertain us during lulls. Hopefully I get to the point where I can enjoy some blog time at home at night before crashing. We'll see.

    If you've been here before, what do you think about the changes in the sidebar? Or, did you not even notice?

    I'm always interested in what people think makes a blog template attractive and enticing, and what people find as turn-offs. Please share your thoughts.

    Monday, June 19, 2006

    Mini Vacation with Fam

    I survived a long weekend with my parents and sisters. We had so much fun. The highs were the meals, the laughs, and the non-stop excitement at the house, the waterpark, and Chicago. The lows were the King Tut exhibit, the sunburns, and Susan's grandma's health problems.

    I have pics but they were taken on a 35mm, so I'll need time to develop and get them put onto cd. I love the ability to do that at Wolf Camera!

    My parents, Christine, Sami, and Isabella rolled in mid-afternoon on Thursday. They left early afternoon on Sunday. It seemed like we never stopped even when we watched three movies in a row on Saturday! :)

    We ate at Melting Pot and had just the cheese and chocolate on Thursday night. Friday we spent time at the Field Museum, saw the disappointing King Tut exhibit, wandered around Millennium Park and Michigan Ave, and ate lunch at Grand Lux Cafe. Friday night wrapped up with "Walk the Line." Saturday I had to work the morning and Michelle had to work the evening, so the highlight was a trip to the local park district waterpark. Dad and Isabella stayed home for naptime. The park was fun, but the sun did it's worst to those of us who refused sunblock. That night we watched "Ghost Ship," "Blood Work," and "My Fellow Americans." Then, on Sunday the family packed up while Michelle went to work, and we all met up for brunch at The Egg Basket before they hit the road.

    As I mentioned before, I have pics that I'll post sporadically for the next week or two. It was a great vacation considering I never left home. I can't wait until they spend a long weekend again! Who would have thought someone would say that about their parents and their little sisters.

    What are you doing for vacation this year?

    Wednesday, June 14, 2006


    I was born and raised in Wisconsin and am quite proud of that fact. I was always and still am elated when I heard Wisconsin referenced to in a movie or television show. In fact, I've often heard that Wisconsin is the number one most mentioned state in the US in movies and television. Unfortunately, Wisconsin also makes it onto the television outside of fictional stories and onto the news for odd and often disappointing reasons. For example there was Audrey Seiler, who faked her own abduction, Anthony Scholfield, who steals thongs and was busted with over 800 hidden around his house, or Chai Soua Vang, who - although not from Wisconsin - essentially snipered eight strangers opening weekend for Deer Hunting Season while in Wisconsin.

    This time I think it tops them all as the most confusing and saddening. Ted Junker is building a memorial to Adolf Hitler just outside of Millard, WI. Apparently, he feels Hitler was and still is a misunderstood leader. Mr. Junker also believes his time spent in the German Army was to free the Russians from Communism.

    Frankly, I don't know what to say. It stuns me to the point beyond words.

    Tuesday, June 13, 2006

    Starbucks Wronged Me!

    I love coffee. Actually, I love Coca-Cola too which leads me to believe that what I really love is caffeine. But, then I think about all the different drinks like tea and Pepsi that I don't like, and I think that could be wrong.

    I digressed. I love coffee. I really love Caribou Coffee! If I had a choice, I would always choose Caribou. But, I don't have one near where I work. In fact, there is a Starbucks in the same building as my work. So, out of my deep love and desire for coffee (and the fact that my sister works at Starbucks), I often reside myself to buying it - a lot!

    But today! Today, I wandered over to the Starbucks stand. My eyes were barely open, my mind was still contemplating how I backed out of the driveway let alone drove to work, my legs were aching for the coffee and considering just letting me fall to the ground, and my mouth was dry like sandpaper waiting for the bold minty mocha.

    Long story short: the espresso machine was down; the lame excuse included something about water pressure. Also, due to today's work situation, I won't be able to mosie over there again until almost 1! Hopefully I'll be able to keep my deprived body at a somewhat functioning level until then.

    Wish me luck!

    Oh, do you have a favorite coffee place?


    I got my coffee at 1:15pm. Needless to say apparently the problem this morning was that someone had turned off the water to the espresso machine. A person on a later shift came in, turned the knob, and freed the water. Unfortunately, I have a permanent scowl on my face from my eyebrows being too tired to sit-up earlier!

    Saturday, June 10, 2006

    Happy Thoughts

    Just so everyone knows, despite recent postings and drama, I am so excited to say my parents and lil' sisters are coming later this week! We will most likely enjoy the King Tut exhibit as mentioned a while back as well as a local park district's water park.

    Also, the promotion is going well. I started training this past week, and I think everyone is excited about the changes that will be taking place nationwide.

    My roomies and I are busting our butts trying to clean for the parents, but I know Susan is still excited about her new job and Michelle is working harder and longer now having a car!

    Again, things may seem stressful and dramatic, but we are all trying to bask in the sunshine of positivity that keep peaking around the clouds! Thank you to all understanding my venting and celebrating online lately. I truly appreciate your patience!

    Integrity & Honesty


    The purpose of this blog is listed above. It is for me. It is to entertain me, allow me a resource to write thoughts, and even develop my writing skills.

    I partake in different online services to drive traffic to offer criticism, friendship, and variety. I do track the number of guests as you can see by the counter below. With this tracker I do gather additional information such as your browser, operating system, location, and IP address. I do not use it other than for personal interest.

    I am honest with myself and others on here and expect nothing less from you. With that in mind, I received an email claiming unbiased criticism. I initially responded explaining more details behind the stress. Then, I realized the person said they were from Madison, Wisconsin. I haven't had any visitors from within 50 miles of Madison. No matter what your opinion of me, deal with me only with integrity and honesty!

    If I know you or do not know you, it doesn't matter. Please respect my opinion as I would anyone else's on an online blog, forum, or chat. Please only write to me in comments or email for with integrity and honesty.

    For those of you interested, I have included the correspondence below. I can draw my own conclusions as to where this has come from as I can see the proximity of the recent blog hits to my family members. You can come to your own conclusions. In fact, what do you think? Let me know.



    To: mwgrl5 This is just my opinion, so take it lightly, reading your blog about the car from the grandparents..reading thru the lines, I'd say your comments are from a selfish,spoiled little girl. first of all, your grandparents didn't have to do anything for their grandchild, where's your parents? and as far as a relative fixing it first.. I didn't read anything if that person was being paid for fixing the car. I'm only 22 but if a friend or relaitve offer to help I wait for their open time to do it after all if you had to buy it,and fix it I bet you don't have the available cash ,considering the costs of repairs in Ill. I've been there. Poor student but getting by in Madison

    To: poor student

    I do appreciate your opinion. Unfortunately, reading through the lines got a bit more detailed than you needed to be. I am simply stressed out and tired of the runaround. There is a point when 2 cars are not enough for 3 people and 4 jobs.

    The car that died was one that my parents had given my sister. They have two cars for two parents working in two different towns raising 3 kids still at home with the youngest being 6 months. Additional $ and cars aren't lying around for the taking.

    The relative chosen to fix the car was my grandparents idea. My sister, who has the $ as do I if she didn't, was not given the option to take the car as is, to pay for it outright, or to have it fixed by a mechanic of choice either there or here. And, the $ for the repair was included in the selling price to the grandparents.

    So, when it comes to sounding selfish and spoiled, I'm sorry it came off that way. This was simply my release of frustration on un-kept time frames & promises, and what at times appeared to be manipulation of a desperate girl, my younger sister.

    Thank you for your opinion though. Please come back again as it's nice to having constructive criticism.


    I realized I may have responded emotionally. Upon further correspondence "Poor Student" and I have come to understand eachothers' point of view better. I apologize to "Poor Student" for assuming the worst. Also, thank you to all for tolerating me lately. It's good to know there are people out there who understand the purpose of this blog and every other blog on the web today: the freedom of speech and press!

    To those interested I've included the additional correspondence below.


    To: mwgrl5

    Hi, got your note and read your posting,I'm sorry , guess you need to know what I'm about..I'm from Hisdale,IL 2nd year Med student, I'm Male and work parttime in the mall for a few bucks. Studying most of the time don't date much due to schedule and I'm pooped That's about it. Only reason I responded to your blog as it hit a nerve. I truly respect my Grandparents they have been my mental support, so sorry guess I overstepped my space.

    To: Poor Student

    I understand the hitting a nerve. After reading my post, I realized I too reacted with emotion. Thank you for your opinion though. I do always enjoy a different point of view. In another situation I would like to think you would see that I too respect my grandparents deeply. I have been very defensive for my little sister since we've started living together again. Thank you again for your thoughts. And, thank you for your understanding of the depth of what has become a family drama.

    Friday, June 09, 2006


    To all who float through in the next few days, maybe even week:

    I apologize for the lack of new and/or original posts.

    Things are intense right now on a personal and professional level. In addition to the stresses and dramas of daily life, my parents and younger sisters are on their way to visit for their vacation in less than a week. My roommates and I need to work on cleaning and tidying for their visit.

    Thank you for your understanding and patience. I will be back soon, hopefully with happy tidings.

    Wednesday, June 07, 2006

    So sleepy...so bored...

    This is just a bit of an update to a few preceding posts.

    First, we went and got the car. My sister called up to my grandparents' house last night a little after 9pm, and the car was ready to go. Unfortunately, I wasn't! I had been out with my roommate celebrating her new job offer. I had only one margarita, so my sister hopped behind the wheel to drive the leg up north while I caught some shut eye. Round trip had us home about 6am. Needless to say I am dragging today at work, even though I didn't start until 12:30pm. I'm just thankful for a third car again!

    Also, in addition to just being dog tired, I've had to do HR stuff online for the last two days. While taking care of guests and other projects I had to watch 2 hours of Harassment Training that ended up lasting over 4 hours! Then, today I had to reread the whole Employee Handbook. I guess the first test of a manager is if they can stay awake without supervision when dog tired, bored, and...um...did I say dog tired?

    Well, I'm obviously struggling at keeping a straight thought. I'm going to go suck on my coffee a bit more and prop myself up in the corner. I have two more hours to go at work. I better conserve my energy for the commute home.

    Monday, June 05, 2006

    Things that don't mix:

    • Vinegar & Baking Soda
    • Oil & Water
    • Jalapenos & Acid Reflux
    • Irish & Sunlight
    • Soda & Pop Rocks
    • Family & Cars...
    For the last three weeks I have been dealing with the crap that comes with mixing family and cars. My sister's mini-van (200,000+ mi) finally had a stroke on the side of the road coming home from school. First things first, it was towed to the nearest shop, diagnosed dead, and sold to the highest bidding salvage yard for $100.

    Next step, finding a replacement to borrow or buy. Here's where we made our mortal mistake! We had her go to our grandparents. This of course took coercing by me, my parents, and Susan! She talked to them and eventually they agreed to sell her their old Mercury Tracer, but they wanted some things worked on first...

    *creepy, scary, something wrong is going to happen music starts*

    Our uncle Tom is a mechanic and supposedly agreed to fix the speedometer which lost accuracy over 60 mph but some parts were needed. This pushed back our driving 200+ miles to pick it up a week. Although this wasn't a priority for Michelle, as she drives to work and school on city streets and state highways with speed limits less than that, this was something our grandparents felt was necessary.

    Then things got even more exciting. While fixing the speedometer, Tom noticed the Rear Defrost button and Emergency Lights button weren't working. Well, these two items are detrimental to a vehicle just checked over by a professional mechanic in June in Chicago! Thank goodness he's looking at that defrost!

    Pick-up was postponed. Parts were ordered. Parts were received. Car was fixed?


    My grandparents haven't heard or seen from Tom in over a week! FYI - Tom lives less than 100 yards from my grandparents!

    My sister, Susan, and I have been shuffling 2 cars to commute to work and home throughout the Chicago suburbs for three weeks now. When will we be making our road trip to Wisconsin for the car, only God knows...

    Moral of the story: Family and cars don't mix. Don't borrow them from family (another story about what's happened to my car since my sister has started driving it consistently)! Don't buy from family! Don't have family fix them either!

    Do you have any horror stories involving family and cars? Feel free to vent here; I did!

    Saturday, June 03, 2006

    2000 Guests!

    Next mile-marker - check!

    My First Promotion!!!


    I found out this week that I'm going to be the new Center Manager. The whole process began back in April, and it won't wrap up until mid-June. I'll officially be the Center Manager on June 19th. This is my first promotion ever!

    As with anything new, I'm a bit apprehensive. I'm nervous about the new responsibilities, new accountability for the center, my colleagues, and myself but mostly about moving from an "equal" with my co-workers to their supervisor. This is a completely new position replacing a less-authoritative position; I'm concerned about preconceived ideas of what the role is and coming off too much.

    Right now I'm trying to enjoy the promotion. I'll work with my supervisor and on my own to ease into this role to keep my colleagues trust and respect high.

    Anyone else experiencing changes at work that have them anxious positively or negatively? What do you do to deal with it while on the clock and off?

    Wednesday, May 31, 2006

    Blogging Idea...hmm...

    Today while chatting on BlogMad, a buddy of mine recommended I write about him for my posting today. After joking around with everyone for a while, I realized that wouldn't be a bad idea. The question is...what do you think?

    I can't make any promises regarding frequency, but what do you think about a "profile/biography" of BlogMad users every so often? I was even thinking of adding a sidebar listing of who's been "profiled" and who's up and coming.

    Is this something that you, the reader, is interested in?

    If this is a go, it's 1 - Manic, 2 - Lydia (her 2nd blog), and 3 - Smash...if they are all really interested...

    Tuesday, May 30, 2006

    Books I'm Reading

    I finally have the "What am I Reading?" portion of my sidebar done. For a while there it just said "Book One - Test." FYI: I wasn't reading that! :)

    I have a link to each book's website and a different one for the author's when available. I'm not sure what else to do with it. Should I post reviews when I finish? Or, find a way to post stars?

    If you have any ideas as to what more to do, please let me know. Thanks in advance!

    Steve Martin & King Tut

    *angelic choir singing "aaahhhh"*

    The King Tutankhamun exhibit has opened in Chicago at The Field Museum. Typically a mention of The Field Museum would trigger an extensive rambling about my love for Sue but not this time! King Tut is in town!

    I'm going to this exhibit as many times as time and money will allow between now and January 1, 2007. I am not exaggerating either. I have wanted to see this for as long as I can remember. I was disappointed growing up when I was told that it had already toured the US and was on permanent display in Egypt. Who would have thought I'd have this opportunity?

    Now, regarding the title...

    While in grade school I had this great art teacher who let us decorate a chunk of the hallway with a theme for a month or so. One year it was King Tut's tomb. We had the walls and ceiling all done up looking like dirt with beautiful gold trinkets "piled up." There were also papermache statues and other "treasures." I loved it!

    One of my contributions was to the audio portion of the display. My father had a record (yes, I'm talking vinyl) of a live performance by Steve Martin during which he did a song about King Tut. In typical Steve Martin fashion, it was quite funny. I wonder if I can find a recording of it today...

    Anyways, King Tut rocks and is in town! Steve Martin is funny! Has anyone else heard this rendering of Steve talking about Tut? Also, anyone else making a point to go see this exhibit while it's traveling the world?

    Monday, May 29, 2006

    BlogMad Quest

    I'm sorry for not posting something witty, interesting, clever, funny, or reflective. I am on a quest to become a Killer ranking on BlogMad. This requires focus and dedication. So, if you're wondering where all of the interesting posts are, they're not here today.

    Join me in surfing to acquire fame and fortune! Or, just a change in rank! :)

    If you're interested in surfing other blogs to generate traffic for your own, feel free to use this: Join BlogMad!
    as I'll get a few referral credits!

    Friday, May 26, 2006

    Hugh The Movie was Great!

    We saw X-Men 3: The Last Stand, and it was worth the two hours saving the best seats before hand and every minute it was playing on the screen. It was 1 hour and 44 minutes long, and the action never stopped. Multiple times I gasped at what happened or what was said. We all were on the edge of our seats wondering what could happen next.

    The acting was great, as were the special effects, dialogue, and of course Hugh Jackman. He was typical laid back Wolverine. I enjoyed every minute of his time on screen. There is a part that disappointingly was very "The Incredible Hulk" where all of his clothing was effected except his pants. It never fails in these comic book stories; there is never enough skin shown! ;)

    What amazes me about Hugh Jackman is his comfort with drama, characters, acting, and himself. He can play tough Wolverine or a hopeless romantic in "Kate and Leopold" or a flamboyant homosexual on stage in "The Boy From Oz." Some men aren't comfortable enough in their sexuality to even watch a theatrical production like that let alone play the lead.

    I suppose that's enough drooling for the day. What about you? Who is an actor or actress that never fails to impress you?

    Thursday, May 25, 2006

    Hugh Jackman here I come!


    Tonight the roomies and I are off to see the third and "final" installment of the X-Men series, "X-Men: The Last Stand" at midnight. While I definitely enjoy the whole series as well as the characters, storyline, actors, graphics, ect, I cannot lie; I'm in it for Hugh Jackman!

    Someday I'll be enjoying my Caribou Coffee casually reading on a streetbench and he'll tell me how he just couldn't keep walking without asking my name. From there our love will flourish. I hope to not hurt any other woman's feelings; sometimes the truth is hard to bear.

    Until then I'll have to just keep going to see him on the big screen. For the other X-Men fans out there, I use "final" loosely, as Hugh Jackman has announced his role in "Wolverine" expected 2007!

    I'll let everyone know how great Hugh Jackman the movie is tomorrow!

    Wednesday, May 24, 2006

    Updates about Previous Posts

    For those returning guests, I am going to start a second blog. Everyone who responded to my little questionnaire agreed that two blogs wouldn't be too much. And, I think it'll help that it will be of completely different subject matter.

    Also, the column for work got off without a hitch. I suckered my two roommates into helping me narrow the stories down to three and then filled in the blanks with my article. The toughest part was coming up with a semi-decent picture of myself to go next to the column title, which ended up being May 2006's Top Picks. I'm ignoring those of you thinking, "Wow, that seemed tough and complex!" It was.

    *rolling my eyes at myself*

    Other than that I'm just enjoying my days off, thus the lack of posting for a day or two. My sister and I made the mistake of looking at rental properties online even though we're not looking at moving until August. We both had a few "aww...it's so cute." I had to convince her not to call asking for a showing.

    Typically change is met with challenge and angst, yet this time I'm getting excited about another "new beginning" even if it is just to another rental in the same suburb. Does anyone else get excited about the prospect of new things? Or, do you confront change with weapon in hand to fight it off at all costs?

    Monday, May 22, 2006

    A Second Blog?

    If you have more than one blog, please continue reading...

    I'm thinking about starting a second blog. But, I don't know if I have the time, energy, or "skill" to keep up successfully with two. I wouldn't want to compromise my original blog for another. Here is where I pose the questions:

    • Do you have more than one blog that you successfully keep updated?
    • If so, how many?
    • Do you make all of the postings on all of them or do you have multiple contributors?
    • Do you have any words of wisdom regarding multiple blogs? thoughts? lessons learned?
    Thank you to anyone who contributes comments on this posting. I have already realized the vast amount of knowledge, experience, and differences amongst bloggers out in the blogosphere. Hopefully some of you can help guide me on this decision.

    Sunday, May 21, 2006

    1000 Guests!

    Today my counter crossed the 1000 mile-marker! I haven't always had this counter, so I'm sure the actual 1000th guest was before this by some immeasurable amount of time. But, this should not distract from the counter in my footer that tells everyone "She's had over one thousand people browse through here. Maybe you should have come by before now!"

    :) I'm just kidding. :)

    I'm glad you're here now! Thank you to all who have drifted through, read some of my ramblings, left your own, and added a click to my counter.

    Looming Deadline

    I've mentioned my "column" for my work newsletter. I don't think I summarized what it's about. Essentially I'm sifting through weekly stories from our internal reporting done every Friday. I choose my favorite three, write an intro, write some commentary, and call it an article.

    I know I've been making this out to be a bit more. I'm sorry if I misled you. Truth is it's harder than it sounds! I have another 25 stories coming in Monday. I've sifted through 50 and narrowed it down to nine. I have to pick the top three, write the article around the stories, and submit it to the "newsletter editor" Tuesday morning.

    I'm feeling the pressure but can't even get myself to write the into to the column or think of a column title. I'm counting on the pressure kicking me into writing mode just in the knick of time just like college - I hope... :)

    But, to prevent too much intensity I should brainstorm column title ideas. Titles are my worst when writing. They're up there with character names. It seems simple but not for me.

    How about other writers out there? What part of writing just seems to trip you up no matter how long you've been with pen in hand?

    *As a side note: any ideas on the column title? Thanks!

    Saturday, May 20, 2006

    Hoffa in the News Again

    I'm sorry. I know it's mixing fact with fiction with myth with legend - I do that all the time in my head - but every time I hear Jimmy Hoffa's name now I think of "Bruce Almighty."

    Apparently the FBI has a lead regarding the location of Jimmy Hoffa's body. The linked article from the Chicago Tribune says this lead has been presented before. The FBI is looking in around Detroit.

    Now, this is where I struggle; I keep thinking Jimmy was already found and reported by our favorite reporter outside of New York simultaneously reporting on the other news team's cannabis dealings! I'm not a huge Jim Carrey fan, but this movie was hilarious. I was initially hesitant due to it's questionable religious connotation yet pleasantly surprised.

    Anyways, long story short: Hoffa is being searched for again and "Bruce Almighty" was a fictional story.

    Friday, May 19, 2006

    I hate publicizing bimbos...

    I hate to do this, but Britney Spears is at it AGAIN!!! Seriously, she is the poster girl for why people should have to have a license to procreate!!!

    According to Forbes this is (as we already know) in addition to other indiscretions regarding Sean Preston. The list starts with her driving with him on her lap. DCFS was called in on that one. Then, the nanny dropped him on his head lifting him out of a highchair; DCFS was called a few days later when Kevin and Britney finally took him to be checked out. I didn't realize until today that's she's also been driving around with the carseat improperly installed.

    Will Britney Spears be the first celebrity to have her child(ren) taken away by the Department of Family and Children Services? I know...celebrities live their lives in the spotlight. Everyday people, especially first-time parents, make mistakes too but don't have it have it publicized to the world. I DON'T CARE! She choose her life in front of the cameras and should live her life accordingly - very carefully!

    What do you think? Is Britney hacking it as a parent, or should she be under the watchful eye of DCFS?

    Thursday, May 18, 2006

    This Past Weekend

    First, a bit of back story...

    We moved a lot when I was a kid, but I spent the majority of my childhood in rural Wisconsin. The last seven years were all in the same community. I knew the most of my graduating class as well as the ones before and after me. But, the majority of the kids I grew up with had lived there their whole lives. I was excepted, but could never lose the "new kid" stigma completely. In addition to the stigma, there was a bad hair style and a wretched nickname. Both generated the best rumors and stories to help me develop character!

    So, when I had an opportunity to go away to college and start with a clean slate, I did. When my parents moved away from the town I graduated in, my visits diminished considerably unless visiting extended family.

    As with all relationships, time and distance had their effects and left me only in touch with a select few out of the many I grown up along side.

    This past weekend though provided an interesting experience. Someone whom I had by chance started talking to again through email invited me to her wedding, and I went! It was nostalgic but good. I don't know that any of the guests will call me again to get together, but it was still nice to catch up.

    When I first went to college four hours from home, I always felt like I went through a transition while driving between locations. This past weekend it felt like the two me's merged a bit, but that they still have their rightful places in the past and present. Maybe some day I'll spend more time with those from the past again or maybe they'll remain in the past except for when I peek back again.

    How about you? Do you feel as though the person that graduated high school and the freshmen who went to college were two different people? Do you keep in touch with those from your childhood or are they merely people to run into by chance?

    Wednesday, May 17, 2006

    Writing Again

    I have found a way to actually force myself into writing again. As one of my goals on my annual review, I pledged to write a regular column in our program's monthly newsletter. With less than a week until my first due date, I am wading through the swamps of writers' block!

    I have no title to my column. I have no opening paragraph to introduce the column. I barely have an outline of where the paragraphs will be pasted in once found in the vast spaces in my head.

    No matter what though I have to have a column written and emailed off by Tuesday, May 23rd! I will have written something, or quit my job (the latter option not really being valid). So, wish me luck; I'm back in the saddle of writing with deadlines just like in college!!!

    (FYI - I "borrowed" this lovely typewriter image from http://www.escapelodging.com/marketing.html )

    I admit when I'm wrong...

    Well, for those of you following my template rants and raves, I have a confession. The improper viewing (main and right column at the bottom) may not only be Blogger but also a Internet Explorer issue. I finally downloaded Firefox, and everything looks great!

    I was wrong about it just being Blogger.

    If you have any suggestions to fix it though, please let me know!

    Tuesday, May 16, 2006

    Screenshot of Template

    This is the last posting about my template. For those of you checking here to see what's wrong, I'm not crazy. This template can be viewed in IE properly. Here is a screenshot of how it should look:


    I haven't posted in a while. It's because I'm lacking patience regarding my template. I know a lot of my postings have revolved around my template lately, but I'm so disappointed in it's appearance. Here I want to drive traffic to read my postings, yet I don't even want to post because of my frustration.

    I've posted questions on Google Groups. I've emailed Blogger Help. I've even posted here about my problems. Nobody has a solution. Right now I'm TRYING to patiently wait and see if Blogger's to blame. Eventually it will present itself nicely for everyone then, right?


    I hope so. Until then, I will try to come back and post something new and original. If you have any thoughts, please share them. I'll try anything.

    Wednesday, May 10, 2006

    Template & PsycHo Template Generator

    I've worked out the template, but it's not viewing properly. All of the columns should be lined up at the top. It looks fine in every browser preview (Notepad/IE and PsycHo's test browser but not through blogger preview or published. I used PsycHo Template Generator. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.

    Sunday, May 07, 2006

    007 - November 17th

    Casino Royale will be released November 17th for all you James Bond fans. I know my mom and dad will be there, maybe not opening weekend, but they'll see it in theaters. My dad has always been a fan. He owns all of the movies, knows the actors by movie and years played, and has passed this 007 intrigue to my mom and I.

    Initially I was perplexed and unsure of Daniel Craig, but the more I read about him and the movie, the more I'm excited.

    November 17th go get your dosage of James Bond! It should be as good as all of the rest!!!

    Coming Clean

    Okay, I didn't follow through. I went home. I ate dinner. I watched a bit of TV. At the point where I should have got off my duff to go work on my template, I went upstairs to my bed where I watched 3 episodes of Gilmore Girls from Season One. I was up until 1:30 vegging out instead of keeping my commitment to you, the World Wide Web.

    I'm sorry. But, I did fully enjoy Gilmore Girls. I wish I could tell you I didn't, but that would be lying. It wouldn't help us develop our relationship. ;)

    I don't know when, but I will fix this. I promise...soon. Just like my conscious, this will be cleaned up in the near future.

    Saturday, May 06, 2006

    Computers, Internet, and Hair Loss

    Initially when I started this blog is was not whole-heartedly. Then, I made some posts with pictures of my baby sister's first couple weeks and baptism; I forwarded the link to family and friends to view this beautiful baby. It was then that I got the taste for traffic. Suddenly blogging had a purpose if people would see it, read it, and comment.

    Now I was going through this transition from "blogging is pointless" to "oh, blogging could be very interesting." I wanted to draw traffic. I wanted to read other blogs. I started reading blogs, looking at their layouts, browsing forums talking about templates and html. I even went so far as to take an online html tutorial.

    Once I thought I had a decent grasp for everything I started tweaking. I would change a color, add a link, make a button, and in the end I had a personalized template that just didn't seem clean to me.

    Per a number of recommendations I tried utilizing Psycho! Template Generator. Leave it to SBC to not allow the page to load at work. So, I ran the laptop over to Apple and stole their WiFi long enough to load the page. I spent hours working on creating a personalized but clean template. At the end of the day, I just had the sidebars to put in my links and stuff. So, I saved the work, made a backup file in Notebook, and closed up shop.

    Today it won't work. I shuffled over to the Apple Store. I loaded the page and then tried loading my saved work. It didn't work. I'm trying to not be frustrated. I've been pulling out my hair over computers, html, blogging, columns and colors, and now this website, and all I have to show for it is this incessant pain in my upper back between my shoulder blades.

    Tonight I'm going home, making a pot of coffee, and working on Psycho! until I have a completed template. I warned Leng that I may not be 100% tomorrow, but I'm getting this done. Next week I take on NRG26's template. I'm guessing that will go as smoothly considering I'll have to call or email her every time I don't know what color or font she wants.


    Okay, I'm done venting. Again, please bear with me through the construction. My goal is to be done by Monday. Come back and look!

    Wednesday, May 03, 2006

    Template Tweaking - What's your opinion?

    Well, I think I've tweaked my template to the point of chaos. I don't know what you think, but in my opinion, it's not easy on the eyes. So, bear with me as I work on tearing it down and building it back up. For anyone who's read here before knows, I have aspirations of adding more content to the sidebars such as a calendar and possibly a list of current readings or guilty pleasures regarding music. But that is down the road as I need an attractive template before content will matter.

    So, please don't run away. I'm going to simplify the number of colors, try to even out the columns, control image and link sizes, and create a header image that is catchy and well-sized all in one.

    As always feel free to leave comments, opinions, and recommendations. Actually, how about this what do you think makes a template or blog visually successful?

    I will still be making regular postings, so please don't stay away due to construction.

    Monday, May 01, 2006

    Days Off - Another Friday

    Well, it's my Friday again. Hopefully I'll get everything squared away with SBC today. I'd like to be able to surf and post on my next two days off. Apparently their 24 hour 7 days a week support is non-existant as we've had problems since Thursday, and we're still offline at home.

    So, with that in mind, I may or may not post again by Thursday. To all have a good start of the week.

    Sunday, April 30, 2006

    Washington: without the Politics just the Humor

    Last night there was just another dinner in Washington with politicians, celebrities, the press, and yes, the President. But this dinner was a bit different than the others. First off, there were two George Bush's. I know for many liberals out there this is your worst nightmare. Don't worry, today we're back to just one. This dinner was packed with comedy including a George Bush impersonater. I've included a link to the article at the bottom of the post. I just wanted to say two things about this event.

    First, despite the civil unrest in this country regarding our government, our leaders, and specifically George Bush, kudos Mr. President for being able to step back and laugh at yourself. If you can't make fun of yourself people, you shouldn't be making fun of anyone!

    Second, I want to share my favorite quote from the evening. It takes a very intelligent person to make fun of everyone in a room and have them laugh with you. Kudos to Steve Colbert for accomplishing this feat with flying colors.

    Regarding the press "[Steve Colbert] said, 'What incentive do these people have to answer your questions, after all? Nothing satisfies you. Everyone asks for personnel changes, so the White House has personnel changes and everybody's like, oh, they're just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. First of all, that's a horrible metaphor. This administration is not sinking. This administration is soaring. If anything, they are rearranging the deck chairs on the Hindenburg.'"

    Bush, celebrities attend press corps dinner

    Saturday, April 29, 2006

    Continuing on the Coke Obsession

    So, in addition to my last posting, I wanted to let everyone know I've tried Coca-Cola's latest venture: Coca-Cola Blak. It combines my two liquid obsessions: Coke and coffee. I know it sounds quirky, but it is quite good. I'd say the word that best describes it is refreshing. You have a kick of coke flavoring initially followed by the subtle after taste of coffee. I've only seen it individually in gas stations so far, but I'd be willing to by it in six or twelve packs down the road.

    How about you? Have you or would you try Coca-Cola Blak? If you have, what did you think?

    Friday, April 28, 2006

    Yum!!!! Coca-Cola

    I love Coca-Cola. I could drink it all day, every day. In fact now that I mention it, I almost do that already. Anyways, I drink it, collect memorabilia, decorate my kitchen with it, talk about it, and now I've found blog about it! It's great. I've included a link below. Please visit as it may become my blog away from blog!

    My Sunshine Coca Cola Loft

    I've got 3 Columns!!!!

    For months I've been tweaking and personalizing my blog. Mind you, this doens't mean I'm done. I want to add a calendar and beef it up a bit more. But, I've accomplished something that I was told couldn't be done. I've combed my way through blogger help, google groups, and random blogs found through BlogMad. Everyone said I had to implement a new template and repersonalize it if I wanted three columns. As one fellow blogger put it, "It's more than adding a couple tags."

    *insert buzzer sound*

    Thank you to Pam Blackstone, I tweaked my template into 3 columns. I'll be spending more time browsing her blog learning other tips and work arounds. I've included her link below. Please let me know what you think. I'm always interested in people's opinoins.

    Random Bytes: Build a Three-Column Blogger Template!

    Thursday, April 27, 2006

    Colleague Bob < 2 Weeks

    Okay, so I planned on signing on today and posting about a childhood anecdote that has stuck with me. Instead, my day is interrupted by the bane of my existence...my colleague we'll call Bob.

    Bob is gone May 5. He is insisting on dragging my other two teammates and I through the sludge of every annoyance and idiosyncrasies he has until that date. Today he is blessing me with his ability to read. I don't know if he loves hearing his voice or just making me want to physically rips my ears off and shove crumpled paper into the side of my head. I'll draw a picture for you...

    We have two laptops side by side. We can surf, read, and type comfortably without having to really interact. In fact, my colleague (we'll call Lynn) and I joke about how we can sit for hours together and never really talk. Bob sits at his computer while I quietly read, type, and so forth. I won't make eye contact or even grunt acknowledgement, but he'll continuously read articles and headlines (some work relevant, some not) to me all day long!!!! There have been times where I've looked up the email or article per his insistence, and he's read it to me over my shoulder!

    Honestly, I passed the sixth grade. I even graduated high school and college. Does he have to read to me?

    In the end my only solace is...8 days left. I'll try not to rant about everything else about him I'll never miss when he's gone.

    Wednesday, April 26, 2006


    I am becoming obsessed! I love it! If you have ever read my blog before, or if you just read the header, you will know that I have a lot of down time in my job. Just so you know, I am not breaking any rules by surfing, blogging, or browsing. With this down time I am out exploring, learning, and, when I hit the right blogs or celebrity news, laughing. While out exploring the endless galaxies of internet, I have developed a love affair with...you guessed it... Google logo.gif. I can not help it; I have tried.

    I use Blogger, Google Personalized Home Page, Gmail, Google Page Creator, Google Groups, and now Google Calendar. I am constantly combing Google Groups for ways to successfully integrate each aspect of my obsession. I utilize it on a personal level, and now I am working to maximize our family's contact through the Google tools. Yes, I am completely aware that my love affair is almost completely submersed in the term "beta." I do not care. We will make it despite tough times ahead. I believe in Google.

    Now, I will admit my only complaint. But, I am willing to admit it because it is the most common, and we all know that if Google loves me back, they will fix it. Google's ventures tend to not be as completely versitile as most of us would like. For example, Blogger does not have calendar capabilites or catagories. There are examples in each of the tools by Google that I utilize. But, fellow Google users out there, trust in Google. They will integrate, modify, and someday challenge Disney as a cultural cult.

    Who is with me? Let me know if you agree or disagree. I would love to hear peoples' perspectives on where Google is going.

    Saturday, April 22, 2006

    New Counter!!!

    As many of you know, BlogMad recently had a meltdown of sorts. I was one of many who suffered the consequences of utilizing a product deemed "Beta." I am recovering nicely. Fortunately I was not one of the poor saps who had 2,000 credits or a "Killer" rating.

    I did however lose the credits I did have, my "Great" rating I had just acquired the night before the crash, and all link capabilities. I created my new account and went to work at tweaking my blog template with correct referral codes and such. BUUUUUUUTTTTTTTT, no matter what I do I can't get the counter to work.

    So, starting today I've implemented a new counter in my footer. Stat Counter not only will put my numbers down below, but they'll track how long people stick around, the visitor's country of origin, and even how many returning guests I've had. I don't know what I'll think down the road, but the site comes highly recommended. Feel free to follow the link and get your own counter with statistics!

    Thursday, April 20, 2006

    Yea!!! I'm better...now, what to write?

    Yea!!! Today is the first day I've felt well enough to claim I could be cured! Now, I still can't eat much more than a cup of food at once cuz my stomachs so small, but my mom thinks I should milk that as long as possible. We'll see; I do enjoy my food.

    Now that I'm back up and running, I need to think of something fun, exciting, catchy to write. Problem is that I'm off again tomorrow, Sunday, and Monday; we all know I'm not going to sit down and write while Darrick's in town.

    Well, Darrick and I are going to a wedding this Sunday. We'll see how that goes. I'm friends with the bride, but we haven't seen eachother since probably last July. I know it's been ages since we've talked too. I'm bad when it comes to calling people. Unfortunately, Darrick says he's leaving Sunday night instead of Monday. I guess it won't be a night of dancing and drinking until the sun comes up like the last wedding we went to in October. Oh well, at least I have Monday to sleep still. Am I a little bitter? Yes. Should I be? You tell me.

    Tuesday, April 18, 2006

    Expectations vs Reality

    For those of you who know me best or have even read previous posts, I had a big weekend planned. I traveled to Michigan to spend my birthday and the Easter holiday with my family. There were museum plans, dinner plans, and other activities to pack the weekend.

    Here is where the lesson in expectations versus reality comes in...I got the flu. I didn't get a little food-borne illness that wiped me out for 24 hours. I have had my ass kicked. I haven't enjoyed a meal since Saturday around 9am CST. Check the timestamp on the posting; it's afternoon on Tuesday.

    So, please bear with me. I know I haven't posted all weekend, but I may need a couple more days to get up and running. Thank you for your understanding.

    And remember, expect the worse and you'll never be disappointed!

    Wednesday, April 12, 2006

    Growing Up...What it means to me

    In a previous post, Quarter Century, I mentioned the fact that I'm getting old (please see disclaimer in same posting). I also clearly stated that I have no intentions of growing up. Well, the truth is that for some time I've been trying to incorporate miniscule adult things into my life to make it a bit more fulfilling. I am not changing my mind, but continuing something I started working on well before my turn of the quarter century.

    One of these things is becoming a morning person. You ask anyone I know and they will tell you I love my sleep. But, when I do drag my lazy ass out of bed, I wonder about all the things I'm missing out on by being asleep so long. I think about how I could run in the morning. *laughing incessantly* (Okay, hold on while I dry my eyes and get rid of the side cramp.) Or, I could suck down a pot of luscious coffee. Or, I could spend some time quietly praying or meditating or both! No matter what, I think I should start working past the nights of 9+ hours of sleep.

    So, I'm starting a training program to become a morning person. I'm going to stair-step my way from 8/8:30 on work days (10 on days off) to 6:00 am every day. I'm going to then put 6 am into a holding pattern for at least 2 months to create a habit. Ideally I'll then be able to wake up comfortably at 6 am any morning and occasionally make a conscious effort to sleep in until 8 randomly.

    Now what will I do with my new found time? You tell me. What do you, or would you, do with your mornings before work, school, ect? Or, what should I do? Either way, please wish me luck as I know the odds, gods, and my body are against me!

    Tuesday, April 11, 2006


    I've added a counter. I know Blog Mad is sending the majority of my traffic, but I'm interested in if people are coming back on their own. Or, maybe I'm drawing people in when I leave comments on their page. Or, maybe...okay, I won't work through all of the scenarios. Either way, there is now a counter.

    As of April 11, 2006 at 12:15ish, you are now being counted. Enjoy!

    Also, the next post is long but somewhat random. Don't be frightened by it's length. I write quickly! :) (Or, is it you who reads quickly? Who knows?)

    The Quarter Century

    This upcoming Saturday will be a somewhat momentus event in parts of the country. For many it will be known as Tax Day and mean standing in line at the post office until midnight to get their federal and state taxes postmarked in time. For others it will be a mournful day remembering those lives lost on the Titanic 94 years ago. Other history buffs may focus on the assasination of President Lincoln 141 years ago. For me it will mean getting old.


    On Saturday I'll have a quarter of a century under my belt. Now I do believe that you're only as old, or young, as you feel, and I don't typically feel old. But, when I refer to my birthday as a quarter of a century or I think about the bills due this week or I watch my sister in high school fret over what color her prom dress should be, I feel old.

    As a result of this upcoming birthday that the people I love insist on recognizing with presents, food, and wishes of a great year, I've decided to change. I'm changing absolutly nothing! I try to be responsible. I pay my bills, strive to move ahead at work, and look out for my friends and family. I also have a great time when I'm not thinking about bills, work, and responsibilities.

    I am anything but old when I'm with my family. How can I be? I have sisters who are 20, 16, 10, and newborn. We work hard to keep our maturity levels at a condusive level. My parents cringe but still take us in public, "seefood" and all!

    My friends and I are not old. We run around Chicago yelping like 4 year olds and laughing until we cry. We still enjoy staying up unresonably late on "work" nights and maybe a night of drinks once in a while.

    And when I'm with Darrick...well, he's got two things going for him when it comes to making me feel young when I'm around him. First, the sweetheart is older than me. Who feels old when their boyfriend is already over the 30 mark? Also, he has the heart of a teenager and sometimes the humor. The best is when he giggles like a little boy!

    So, this year I might actually send out Christmas cards or get up before 10am on a day off but other than that, don't expect much to change. I like living by the seat of my pants, especially when it comes to having fun.

    With that in mind, we can all mourn taxes and death, for they are certain, but don't cry for me. Once we stop flashing the number all over the birthday cards, emails, and birthday cakes, I'll forget and go back to acting like someone whose in their early 20's not the mid!

    Saturday, April 08, 2006

    Mmm...the "boob tube!"

    I admit it. I could sit all day flipping through the channels of the tv. I would be content to watch pointless daytime television, sitcom reruns, and random movies "made-for" and not "made-for" television. Why? Who knows! My mom hates it. She always harrassed me about wasting time watching the "boob tube," apparently a term for the television from before my time.

    All in all, I try not to get absorbed in the black hole pumping weak storylines and wretched reality shows into my head. BUT, I have a few favorites that I have to watch. The top of my list...(drumroll please)...Gilmore Girls!

    There is just something about the charcter interaction and the quality of comedy. I admit; I have a college degree. But still, I miss half the jokes because they're so quick witted and deep with culture and arts. Despite the sometimes challenging quips, the storyline always seems to keep my attention. As with most good daytime or primetime soap operas, whomever you want to get together never does, but when they do, something else in the happy virtual universe goes awry.

    Here's my concern: the WB is going away. What will happen to my Gilmore Girls? my Lorelai and Rory? my Dragonfly Inn? my reason to scream at my sister when she doesn't remember to tape it?

    If you have the answers, please let me know. As the sixth season wraps up, I'm worried about the little world I permit myself to get sucked into on the "boob tube" each week!

    Friday, April 07, 2006

    Blogger Obligations

    For those who drop by regularly, or are brought here via Blog Mad, you may have noticed me slacking a bit. I left town (see previous post), and since returning, have not posted anything. I haven't had anything to say. Yet, here I am writing a post. I feel obligated.

    Yes, this was started for my own personal ramblings when I felt so compelled. Yes, this was just for those closest to me to check every so often. But, yes, I signed up for BlogMad, a service whose sole purpose is to drive traffic to my blog whenever I have the required credits. Thus, my guilt for not posting.

    So, today's question is...does anyone else have this deep feeling of obligation regarding their blog? Cuz, I know I do!

    Tuesday, April 04, 2006


    So, tonight I attended a National Wild Turkey Federation banquet. It was great. I can't say I ever thought I would attend one; in fact I only heard about the organization in the last few monthes, but it was entertaining.

    The reason for attending was Darrick. Although he doesn't hunt, he is on the committee thus our attendence. With that in mind, I won't be posting much else for a day or two as I'm visiting him. Sorry about the stalemate on postings, but please feel free to browse my archives as I'm always looking for comments and opinions! :)

    Sunday, April 02, 2006

    ATTN: Simpson's Fans...

    The Simpson's are going to the big screen - for sure this time! According to a number of news resources there is a trailer for the movie floating around. I haven't been able to find it, otherwise I'd link to it. If you see it online, please let me know. The movie set to release July 27, 2007. See here for the different articles.

    On a side note in my experience, adults weren't keen on The Simpson's during my childhood. Then, I went to college, and professors were using it as a learning tool all of the time. I realized how complex the comedy was in the individual storylines in addition to the slapstick humor, but when I tried to explain this to my parents, my theory on the "educated" structure was disregarded. Has anyone else had similar situations? Is this show either loved or hated without a middle ground? Let me know what you think.

    Can you have Writers' Block for starting?

    Okay, I know the question doesn't make sense, but I tried to sum this up as best as I could. Bear with me, and let me explain.

    I like to write. I actually have my minor in English - Writing (a small schools way of differentiating the different categories in the English department; it's not meant to define the language of writing). I never enjoyed papers in college: the research, the constrictions, the requirements; BUT, I loved writing them. And, I loved the fact that there was direction given on topic matter and purpose.

    Now, I'm almost three years out of college, and still just talking about writing. Susan and I talk about it all the time. One of us instigates a conversation about how we miss it and our aspirations. She's better about keeping a journal; I fail miserably every time. I'm better about keeping the blog, but it's not quenching my thirst for writing. It's not the format, structure, concept my mind is craving. Thus, we have my question...can you have starting writers' block? writers' block for starting? writers' block without ever writing?

    If your answer is yes, then I have it. I want to write. I want to write fiction in short stories or even a novel with Susan. I want to write nonfiction as papers on topics of interest. I want to write to be published or even not to be. It's so much bigger than me though. I can't seem to start. I can't get my thoughts organized. I can't jump start my imagination enough to draft a storyline. When I sit down to write, I'm blank just like the computer screen or the notebook in front of me.

    So, do you have the answer? Is it a special classification of writers' block? And if yes, do you have a remedy? Please let me know if you do. I'll try it. I'll also keep you posted of my success or failure at using it; as I know I'll probably be the problem with it's success or failure, not the remedy's.

    Friday, March 31, 2006

    MC Hammer is blogging on Blogger!

    You can find him here: MC Hammer Blog. I did notice he has a disclaimer in one of his columns about commenting. I get the impression that he doesn't want random raves from fans. Interesting all the same. :)

    Two Notes: Beautiful People & Engagement Length vs. Marriage Length

    So Matt LeBlanc, better known as Joey from Friends, is seeking divorce from his wife, Melissa. According to the article, the divorce is requested due to "irreconcilable differences," and they have a 2 year old child.

    Point One:

    Is it impossible to remain married if you're beautiful? Or, if you think you're beautiful? I understand that celebrities live a "special" life with "special" requirements and responsibilities but seriously?!?!?!? Who doesn't have situations that are difficult, straining, hard work, ect? Name a marriage that was easy, and I'll show you a marriage of convenience - both people probably have/had ulterior motives to get them through each day!

    It's called a commitment, Hollywood! Correlate it to your movies...if you commit to playing a character, you can't leave until you're done filming. Consider death being when you're done filming. Now stay in character, wife or husband (and Lord help those that are mother and father too!), and work out this commitment!

    Point Two:

    Why would an engagement last 5 years but a marriage only 3? What purpose did the long engagement serve? Did you not figure out if you loved each other? Did you not get to know one another? Why would you date for some undetermined amount of time, then be engaged for 5 years, get married, and figure out 3 years in that there are "irreconcilable differences?"


    At this point I will admit, I've never been married. I've been raised by two parents who have been married my whole life. They were both raised by parents who have been married their whole lives. All experiences with "broken" families have been through friends and extended family. But, I'd also like to say despite my (as some might say) limited experience, I stand by my statements and questions. Please tell me the answers because I just don't understand!

    Thursday, March 30, 2006

    Learning HTML

    Well, today's post is short and sweet. I'm trying desperately to learn as much as a can as fast as I can about html. I want to be able to personalize my page beyond the restrictions of a preconcieved template. I want to be able to break free...dare I say...create my own template.

    Thanks to http://bloggerfordummies.blogspot.com/ I've been working my way through the tutorials at http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp. This site is MUCH better than anything I was finding just by searching Google.

    Hopefully, I learn enough to also help Susan personalize her MySpace without having to rely totally on the different template creators online. We shall see with time. Thanks for everyone's patience regarding a lack of new or exciting posts. :)

    Wednesday, March 29, 2006

    Susan's Birthday Weekend - The Extended Version

    Apparently, some people are curious about what happened this past weekend and my previous entry "Susan's Birthday Weekend" was a bit lacking in details. So, to satisfy my readers' appetite, here is a more detailed account of painting the town red...

    The weekend, as also previously noted in a posting, actually started on a Friday for me. As soon as I was out of work, it was all about Susan! By the time the activities ended late Sunday night, we were all tired, sore, and quite satisfied with ourselves. The weekend originally was to take place in Nashville, but due to Michelle's innate desire to be helpful and responsible (despite the situation, this is not a flaw in Michelle but an appreciated quality), we had to "reinvent" Susan's birthday a little closer to home to accomodate. As Susan so aptly put it, "we don't have to go to fun---the fun comes to us!"

    Friday night Susan and I went to see "the band," Paradigm Shift, in Grayslake, IL. It was great to see everyone in the band and the rest of the "groupies!" It's been a long time since we hung out with all of them. Another nice touch was how I never let Susan go without a drink in her hands! She didn't care for the Whiskey Sours, so we switched to Long Island Iced Teas. Needless to say, the night did include a bit of drunk dialing while I drove us home (sorry Christine, she wanted to call my Regional Manager and his boss too). I also want to thank Paradigm Shift for recognizing Susan's birthday by having Jason sing that lovely Puddle of Mudd song!

    Saturday started off with Starbucks coffee. We would have preferred Caribou, but MJ's offer to buy using her discount persuaded the birthday girl and I. Then, we went to the outlet stores in Huntley where we properly disposed of any and all money possible. I believe between the three of us it was a successful venture; we left with leather coats, shirts, pants, a wallet, a 5 qt saucepan, a purse, flasks, a baby outfit for Isabella, and more! Then, it was time to rush MJ home so she could get to work and make money to pay the bills we had disregarded for 3 or 4 hours!

    Part Two of Saturday now included Michelle. We chilled until she was able to meet up with us at the house, and we were off to Susan's favorite place...Olive Garden! We downed a pitcher of Sangria and a bottle of Chateau Ste Michelle's Riesling. Oh! And, three dinners with soup, salad, and breadsticks. The night wrapped up with us clinging to our childhood by shoving all of the furniture in the livingroom to the sides, gathering and piling all of the blankets and pillows in the house on the floor, and a movie playing until we all fell asleep.

    Sunday was when we moved from painting the suburbs to painting the city. It started with our morning caffeine deposit (Starbucks again, because Michelle is a putz). We drove into the city and started with a casual walk through Grant Park to the museums and then back up along the lakeshore to almost Navy Pier. After enjoying the INCREDIBLE weather, we decided to move it indoors. We cabbed it to Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry. We had hoped to see one of the two special exhibits, but we had taken to long strolling through the parks on Lake Michigan. We did enjoy viewing exhibits on robots, imagery, sound, trains, ships, the Whispering Gallery, and an amazing presentation of the submarine, U-505, and it's capture by the US Navy in WWII.

    Next, we hit Michigan and State St for a bit more shopping. Although Susan rightly deserves a Coach purse, we talked her out of it until she finds one she really loves. We decided that if this trip was going to count towards "Susan's Birthday Weekend" it needed a bit of alcohol with class. So, we found our way to the Signature Room inside the Hancock building. We each had amazing drinks with a gorgeous view! Susan enjoyed another Long Island Iced Tea, which again kicked her butt, Michelle had a rasberry drink with champagne, and I sipped on a conconction involving Kahlua, Amerretto, Frangelico, and cream.

    As icing on the Chicago cake, we went to Morton's Steakhouse. Although it was very nice and tasty, I can't say I'd ever go back. The service was mediocre and the food wasn't exactly special considering what we paid. BUT, it was fun and exactly what we were looking for to end the night with class.

    We walked back to the car, whining about our aching backs, feet, and legs the whole way, and then headed home. We met up with MJ at home, but we were all too tired to do anything but collapse. It was then that we decided the weekend had to end if we were going to live to see Susan's next birthday. Everyone crashed!

    Monday greeted Michelle and Susan with a slap in the face as they were both out the door by 7:15. Michelle didn't have to work, but she did have to get home. MJ and I slept in and recovered a bit more than the other two had been able.

    Overall, I think it was quite successful as we all were a bit lighter in the bank account and heavier in the eyelids! Susan was pleased, and in the end, that's all any of us really wanted.

    Happy Birthday one more time, Susan!

    Tuesday, March 28, 2006

    Asylum for Christian Convert

    Recently Abdul Rahman was charged with converting to Christianity from Islam, a crime punishable to the death in the Muslim society. Since the uproar around the world, his charges have been dropped, and he has been released from prison. Many Muslims are outraged; his life is still endangered.

    Now, the United Nations are looking to find a country to provide asylum. One would think that this would be an easy task. No, not a single country has stepped up to provide this man safety, a man who was willing to face death than turn his back on his chosen religion. In addition to there being no countries stepping up to this opportunity, but when questioned as to whether Canada (a country second only to Switzerland for never having an opposing opinion) would consider providing Rahman asylum, Canada responded with 'he'd probably prefer Germany*!'

    What a cop-out!

    Feel free to share your opinion in the comments.

    *According to Canada.com, "Italy may grant asylum to Afghan who converted to Christianity", Prime Minister Stephen Harper's exact wording was "I think I understand Mr. Rahman has some connection with Germany and that would be the likely country he would go to should he choose to leave Afghanistan."

    Susan's Birthday Weekend

    Well, this was to be Nashville. That didn't happen thanks to Michelle Stilling and her deep desire to be helpful and volunteer to work on Saturdays! Who does that?

    Instead my weekend was filled with shopping, going out, eating, shopping, walking, the Chicago Science and Industry Museum, walking, eating, laughing, a slumber party on the livingroom floor with all of our blankets and pillows from throughout the house, and more all in Chicago and suburbs. It was exhausting physically, mentally, and downright painful. Some of us are still recovering from the slumber party and all of the walking.

    All in all, it was one grand weekend that ended up being Susan, Elizabeth, and Michelle's Birthday weekend!

    Friday, March 24, 2006

    My Friday is actually a Friday!!!

    Well, I work odd hours because my job is in a mall environment. So, my weekends can be a Tuesday-Wednesday or someother two day combination. I always joke with my roommates about what "my day" is versus the real day of the week. For example, if my days off were Tuesday and Wednesday, then Monday would be my Friday; and Thursday would be my Monday.

    Thanks to earned comp days from holidays worked this past November through January, today is my Friday and actually Friday! I'm so excited. I'm spending my weekend celebrating Susan's birthday. Us girls are going to paint Chicago and the surrounding suburbs red for the next two and a half days!

    If you don't hear from me, don't worry. Tuesday next week is my Monday; I'll catch you up then.

    Thursday, March 23, 2006

    Terrible Twos - Special Thanks to Christine

    Two Names You Go By:
    1. Elizabeth
    2. Wiz

    (Note: we've eliminated that lovely nickname from that glorious high school part of my lift)

    Two Parts of Your Heritage:
    1. Slovak
    2. English

    (Note: who'd have thunk with my facial features)

    Two Things That Scare You:
    1. losing my family
    2. making wrong decisions

    (Note: when was the last time someone feared making the right decision?)

    Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
    1. Nokia fleece
    2. Nokia polo

    (Note: see a pattern?)

    Two of Your Favorite Bands or Musical Artist:
    1. Nickelback
    2. Tim McGraw

    (Note: kinda different ends of the spectrum, huh?)

    Two Things You Want in a Relationship:
    1. communication
    2. spontaneity

    (Note: it is key to use communication when being spontaneous)

    Two Physical Things that Appeal to You About the Opposite Sex:
    1. hair
    2. height

    (Note: not height of hair)

    Two of Your Favorite Hobbies:
    1. sleeping
    2. driving

    (Note: not at the same time)

    Two Things You Want Really Badly:
    1. every mustang model ever manufactured
    2. to travel to every square inch of this earth

    (Note: most likely I'll have to compromise on these goals to make them more realistic)

    Two pets you had/have:
    1. Smokey (the bear)
    2. Velvet

    (Note: Smokey was a cat not a bear, and Velvet was slimy not soft)

    Two Favorite Sports:
    1. Football (American)
    2. Snowboarding

    (Note: Although I love to watch both, man I want to be a snowboarder)

    Two people who will fill this out:
    1. Christine
    2. Me

    (Note: sometimes I think us Jackson girls are a bit too much alike)

    Two things you did last night:
    1. ate way too much food
    2. talked to Darrick

    (Note: did I mention eating too much?)

    Two shows you like to watch currently:
    1. Gilmore Girls
    2. The Closer

    (Note: these too are very different ends of the spectrum)

    Two Favorite Subjects in School:
    1. Band
    2. Biology

    (Note: I think we should be able to go back to school whenever we want!...Wait, we can do that...I think we should be able to go back to public/free schools whenever we want!...Now I sound like I'm whining)

    Two Favorite Alcoholic Drinks:
    1. Blue Moon
    2. Margaritas

    (Note: yum, blue moon...yum, margaritas...this isn't good while I'm at work)

    Two Favorite Places to eat:
    1. Buffalo Wild Wings
    2. On the Border

    (Note: I like Blue Moon at BWW and margaritas at On the Border, do you think there's a correlation?)

    Two People that live in your house:
    1. Michelle
    2. Susan

    (Note: How else would someone afford to live in Chicago? Do you think we're together for the company?!?!? - we are)

    Two things you like about yourself:
    1. height
    2. eyes

    (Note: I don't like that question)

    Two things you ate today:
    1. strawberry NutriGrain bar

    (Note: it's still early, and I'm hungry now after all of those food questions)

    Two people you last talked to:
    1. Susan
    2. Mom

    (Note: that's so typical)

    Two Things You're doing tomorrow:
    1. work
    2. Paradigm Shift gig

    (Note: one I can't drink at and one I'm encouraged to drink at, that's an even balance, right?)

    Two things you don't like:
    1. psycho drivers
    2. arrogance

    (Note: usually those go hand in hand)

    Two things that make you laugh:
    1. my family
    2. my friends

    (Note: thus why I allow you all to remain my family and my friends)

    Two people close to your heart:

    (Note: see page footer)

    Two Longest car rides:
    1. December 8, 2006 Chicago, IL to Midland, MI in a blizzard - 12.5 hours!
    2. February 2006 Las Vegas, NV to Midland, MI moving the family - ? hours

    (Note: there is nothing wrong with driving to Midland, MI; it's just at the end of the world)

    Wednesday, March 22, 2006

    Corporate Responsibility (Or the lack there of)

    Why is there no commitment by Corporate America? Where is there honesty and integrity. Why do so many people, companies, departments refuse to "remember" when they make a commitment?

    Twice in the last three months I've experienced an opportunity where I am courteous enough to clarify that something is possible before following through, both times it involved my company and another major corporation in the US, Sprint and Nokia. Both times I am told to yes and both times when I want to act on the arrangement I'm told no! Why? Why confirm something if you're just going to go back on it? And, why doesn't anyone support me?

    Both times my "supervisor" could have stepped up to the plate to support the situation and both times he's in "a holding pattern." I'm to handle it on my own to prevent him from getting what he wants even though it's his job to go between me and our district manager.

    Someone explain to me why the best way to handle things is to not ask questions, to not follow rules, to just do whatever the hell you want and then act ignorant when your actions are questioned, if Corporate America will take the time to question the peon?!?!?

    Tuesday, March 14, 2006

    Road Trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It is official; we are going to Nashville for Susan's 25th! Now she wants me to look up hotels and attractions, while I find it a good idea to look this stuff over so we're not completely blind, I think we should wing it. Those of us turning a quarter century need to stretch our legs and throw maturity out of the window to keep ourselves feeling young. I don't know what Michelle's opinion is on the matter, but I am a firm believer that if we're going to pack 16 hours of driving, 7 meals, countless drinks and bathroom breaks, and the city of Nashville into one birthday weekend, then we should do it by the seat of our pants.

    So, to scientifically examine the merits of plans versus no plans, I'm conducting a survey. All those that have an opinion, please feel free to leave a comment one way or the other (because we all know there are going to be hundreds of readers who'll have an opinion on the matter).

    Monday, March 13, 2006

    Nickelback & their best song to date!!!

    This is "Far Away" by Nickelback found on their
    latest album "All the Right Reasons."

    Free Music Videos Provided by GOVideoCodes.com!

    Friends & Family on the World Wide Web

    So, I've added some links on the right hand side. Please feel free to check out everybody's different sites on the web. I know they drift by here once in a while; I might as well send people their way.

    By the way, if you have a webpage, blog, or myspace account that you want posted here, just let me know. I'll be happy to add you to the list of links.

    Saturday, March 11, 2006


    It never fails...men always have to get in the last word, or in this case, the last eyebrow raise!


    Tuesday, March 07, 2006

    Isabella's Baptism

    Here are the much awaited pictures from Isabella's baptism. For those of you who have been waiting for these, I apologize. For those of you confused by the "much awaited" in the first sentence, I wasn't talking to you.

    Unlike the pictures from when Isabella was born, I have not included a caption with every photo. If this is cause for question or concern, feel free to post a comment or email me. I will do my best to clarify who is in the picture or what is going on in it. Note: I do not claim to actually know what is going on at any particular point.
    Also, the posting from when Isabella was born needed to be removed to make room for these pictures. Let me know if you didn't get to see that posting and want to see it; I will find a way to get it to you.

    Isabella June, her baptism, & the "party" that encompassed it:

    The actual baptism at a point where us girls weren't moved by the spirit to the point of giggling.

    Michelle, Elizabeth, Samantha, Christine, Tom Curtis (Uncle & Godfather), Julia, Michael, Isabella, and Rev. Carlson

    These pictures are all from the church. Some are from the sanctuary while others are while we are in Fellowship Hall in the church basement having cake and celebrating with the congregation.

    For those of you unaware of the logistics of the baptism, everyone traveled back to Sparta, WI to have the baptism at the Sparta United Methodist Church, the same church where Mike & Julie were married and all of the other kids were baptized. The congregation hadn't seen all of the Jacksons together since the move to Reno, NV.

    Isabella did not go a moment without tons of loving from everyone starting with her Godfather, Uncle Tom, to her other family, and even her "friends" Susan and Darrick. It's highly unlikely that she actually spent any time on the floor, the couch, on a bed, pretty much anywhere other than somebody's arms or lap.

    Did I mention there was cake?

    Truth is, even those of us not still in diapers felt the love. I think at one point we had eight cameras being used to capture the moments. This is only a compilation of two camera's worth! Michelle was taking pictures but failed to recognize the importance of having film loaded properly for the camera to actually take the picture.

    For those of you concerned, following Michelle's confusion and examining the pictures, a thorough investigation was conducted - although she did consume high levels of cake, it was all within the legal limits put forth by the State of Wisconsin. :)