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    Wednesday, June 14, 2006


    I was born and raised in Wisconsin and am quite proud of that fact. I was always and still am elated when I heard Wisconsin referenced to in a movie or television show. In fact, I've often heard that Wisconsin is the number one most mentioned state in the US in movies and television. Unfortunately, Wisconsin also makes it onto the television outside of fictional stories and onto the news for odd and often disappointing reasons. For example there was Audrey Seiler, who faked her own abduction, Anthony Scholfield, who steals thongs and was busted with over 800 hidden around his house, or Chai Soua Vang, who - although not from Wisconsin - essentially snipered eight strangers opening weekend for Deer Hunting Season while in Wisconsin.

    This time I think it tops them all as the most confusing and saddening. Ted Junker is building a memorial to Adolf Hitler just outside of Millard, WI. Apparently, he feels Hitler was and still is a misunderstood leader. Mr. Junker also believes his time spent in the German Army was to free the Russians from Communism.

    Frankly, I don't know what to say. It stuns me to the point beyond words.

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