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    Thursday, May 25, 2006

    Hugh Jackman here I come!


    Tonight the roomies and I are off to see the third and "final" installment of the X-Men series, "X-Men: The Last Stand" at midnight. While I definitely enjoy the whole series as well as the characters, storyline, actors, graphics, ect, I cannot lie; I'm in it for Hugh Jackman!

    Someday I'll be enjoying my Caribou Coffee casually reading on a streetbench and he'll tell me how he just couldn't keep walking without asking my name. From there our love will flourish. I hope to not hurt any other woman's feelings; sometimes the truth is hard to bear.

    Until then I'll have to just keep going to see him on the big screen. For the other X-Men fans out there, I use "final" loosely, as Hugh Jackman has announced his role in "Wolverine" expected 2007!

    I'll let everyone know how great Hugh Jackman the movie is tomorrow!


    Sandra said...

    You're going to have to fight me for him. You are not alone. See, I would never see a movie like X-Men. Not my thing at all. Can't stay away though. Not with my baby Hugh in it. Nope. Gotta own it.

    I like your background. Nice blog!

    mwgrl5 said...

    Watch it, Sandra!

    Thanks for the compliment...always good to know people enjoy what you're flashing all over the internet. :)