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    Friday, October 27, 2006

    No news is ? news...

    I have absolutely nothing interesting to say on here. See some of you may already know, but at one time this blog was used against me in a family spat. Now my online diary - also known as a blog in this century - is under constant scrutiny and censorship. I rarely write what I'm thinking or feeling. I rarely write.

    Some day that will change. Some day soon I will start writing on a more consistent basis. I will not edit what I write depending on who will read it or how they will present it to others. I will write my thoughts and feelings as they flow out of my fingertips.

    This is simply a caution sign. If you're afraid you might be offended by me, don't come here. If you plan to print my postings for others to read, know this...I don't care.


    If you are completely confused by what you just read, this posting was not directed at you. I invite you back another time to read my thoughts or feelings for the day. You can also input your email address there on the left side of the page and get notified when I post something new. Go ahead; I don't write enough to take up too much room in your inbox. :)


    spaceface01 said...

    I recently had some problems with that too, but in the end, you just have to write for you...people have to understand that if you have invited them in to YOUR blog, then they are guests...and if they dont like what you have to say...then they don't have to read.

    keep writing.

    mwgrl5 said...

    Thank you, spaceface. I appreciate the support. I plan to start writing again soon. I just need to get my "physical world" in order before I worry too much more about my "virtual" one. :)

    keep reading.