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    Friday, May 26, 2006

    Hugh The Movie was Great!

    We saw X-Men 3: The Last Stand, and it was worth the two hours saving the best seats before hand and every minute it was playing on the screen. It was 1 hour and 44 minutes long, and the action never stopped. Multiple times I gasped at what happened or what was said. We all were on the edge of our seats wondering what could happen next.

    The acting was great, as were the special effects, dialogue, and of course Hugh Jackman. He was typical laid back Wolverine. I enjoyed every minute of his time on screen. There is a part that disappointingly was very "The Incredible Hulk" where all of his clothing was effected except his pants. It never fails in these comic book stories; there is never enough skin shown! ;)

    What amazes me about Hugh Jackman is his comfort with drama, characters, acting, and himself. He can play tough Wolverine or a hopeless romantic in "Kate and Leopold" or a flamboyant homosexual on stage in "The Boy From Oz." Some men aren't comfortable enough in their sexuality to even watch a theatrical production like that let alone play the lead.

    I suppose that's enough drooling for the day. What about you? Who is an actor or actress that never fails to impress you?


    Anonymous said...

    Going see it tonight! Hope I enjoy it as much as you did.

    Anonymous said...

    Question being - impress me or make me drool?

    Actors that impress me Nathan Lane, Jack Nicholson, Steve Martin, Jack Lemmon, John Cusask and Cary Grant. Ok - some of them make me drool also!

    Female actors Goldie Hawn, Whoppi Goldberg (makes me laugh), Sandra Bullock and Lauren Bacall.

    There is more just not coming to mind tonight...

    mwgrl5 said...

    Actually, I'll take impress you or make you drool! :)

    I have to agree with Sandra Bullock. I'm always afraid she'll stick to the producing, and we won't see her in front of the camera again.