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    Friday, March 24, 2006

    My Friday is actually a Friday!!!

    Well, I work odd hours because my job is in a mall environment. So, my weekends can be a Tuesday-Wednesday or someother two day combination. I always joke with my roommates about what "my day" is versus the real day of the week. For example, if my days off were Tuesday and Wednesday, then Monday would be my Friday; and Thursday would be my Monday.

    Thanks to earned comp days from holidays worked this past November through January, today is my Friday and actually Friday! I'm so excited. I'm spending my weekend celebrating Susan's birthday. Us girls are going to paint Chicago and the surrounding suburbs red for the next two and a half days!

    If you don't hear from me, don't worry. Tuesday next week is my Monday; I'll catch you up then.


    Anonymous said...

    well? what happened in Chicago? was everything red after your visit? i'd love to see the outcome if that wasn't a joke :)


    mwgrl5 said...

    See my posting "Susan's Birthday Weekend - The Extended Version." But, I have to admit...the weekend involved no paint, especially red! :)