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    Tuesday, August 14, 2007

    Just Stop Talking...Gone

    As you may or may not know about me, I'm not good at keeping in touch with people. I tend to get caught up in my day-to-day life. More often than not, people call me not I calling them. I think in addition to being wrapped up in myself - which I know is not a good quality - I hesitate at calling people out of fear of interrupting their life. Maybe fear is too strong of a word, but the people I reach out to most often are those whom I know their schedule or I can text confirmation that now is a good time to talk first.

    That being said; there is a disconnect in this world - possibly but hopefully not just with me - where people just stop calling/writing/dropping by. I can think of three people instantaneously that have drifted away without notice or reason. Of those three people I know one made the last call to me. I didn't return it for whatever reason. He never called back. Now I don't think I even know his number. He was a colleague from a job who shared an office with me. It wasn't like we dated or were best friends, but he was a friend.

    The other two that I'm referencing today puzzle me a bit more. One was a best friend and the other I did date. One week we're talking and/or hanging out and the next week nothing. This nothingness has continued for months. It's to a point that I'm assuming unless we cordially cross paths on a random street later in life the relationship is over. (Please note: I am not denying my role in any relationship, but confused in general on this concept.) Why would you end any relationship with just not talking again?

    Has this process been used on anyone else? Have you called once, twice or so many times it's awkward just to give up assuming they'll call when they have a chance only to never hear from them again?

    In today's day and age, how can you lose track of anyone? How can it be impossible to keep in touch, especially if that individual is reaching out initially to you?!? What with telephones at home, work and your pocket and computers also at home, work and everywhere else; I'm sure everyone has at least one number to be reached at and/or an email address. And heaven help us if those don't work; last time I checked we still had a US Postal Service which delivers HAND-WRITTEN mail to peoples' homes.

    I again admit that I am the epitome of awful at keeping in touch, but I'm saddened by the relationships that have washed away with time and lack of communication and nothing more. It's hard enough to lose people to fights, death, change and every other reason that severs relationships, but to lose more simply because you never talk again leaves a person a little empty and questioning what happened.

    Am I the only one to lose friends, colleagues, associates and such to nothingness, or have you to? Any thoughts to this phenomenon?

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