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    Saturday, May 12, 2007

    Mini-Vacations to the P's House

    This is my parents house where I'm spending the weekend. I just can't seem to get enough of my sisters Sami, Christine, and Bella! Hence why I come up here whenever I get the chance. I'm also a sucker for 3 or 4 day weekends. They're like mini-vacations. While it does cost me the gas to get here, the majority of my meals are covered, I rarely have to decide what to do, and sometimes my mom throws my dirty clothes in with their laundry. How can you beat that? It's just too bad it's only every couple of months. The crazy thing is considering how much Sami changes between each visit as she grows up, you can only imagine Bella. That girl's face changes between visits. I'm grateful for how close they all live, especially when compared to Reno, Nevada where they used to live. But, I would love it if we lived closer. I'd be happy to help haul Sami to a swimming lesson or catch one of Christine's band concerts. Oh well, I guess I'll just be depending on email, phone calls and mini-v!

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