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    Saturday, March 19, 2011

    What I Learned at Chick-fil-A

    I recently left a job at Chick-fil-A.  It was not the best work experience I have had, but I learned so much.  I spent the majority of my tenure at CFA as the night manager leading mostly teenagers.  Here's what they taught me...

    1. Teenagers are much like dogs and snakes.  Like dogs they can be loyal to a fault.  Like snakes they will attack when they feel threatened.  Like both they can smell fear a mile away.
    2. Teenagers are smart, hardworking and willing to do almost anything for a product, a person or idea they believe in.  With that in mind, they will not respond to a product, person or idea that is inauthentic.
    3. Give a teenager respect first, and you will receive it back tenfold.  Do not demand respect from them or require it before you will respect them.
    4. Teenagers will not just mimic but form themselves around who you are as a role model.  Be careful not just with your personal decisions but your words, actions and decisions around them all of the time.
    5. Teenagers are between adult and child.  Give them responsibilities of an adult and then give them the attention of a child.  It will nurture their self-confidence and allow them to learn and grow with the security of your supervision.
    6. Keep their best interests at heart as they may not.
    7. Never assume you know them.  Never assume you know yourself around them.  Like all people, you're both changing while in relation with each other.  
    I know they have changed me.  Thank you to each and every one of you.
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