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    Wednesday, April 26, 2006


    I am becoming obsessed! I love it! If you have ever read my blog before, or if you just read the header, you will know that I have a lot of down time in my job. Just so you know, I am not breaking any rules by surfing, blogging, or browsing. With this down time I am out exploring, learning, and, when I hit the right blogs or celebrity news, laughing. While out exploring the endless galaxies of internet, I have developed a love affair with...you guessed it... Google logo.gif. I can not help it; I have tried.

    I use Blogger, Google Personalized Home Page, Gmail, Google Page Creator, Google Groups, and now Google Calendar. I am constantly combing Google Groups for ways to successfully integrate each aspect of my obsession. I utilize it on a personal level, and now I am working to maximize our family's contact through the Google tools. Yes, I am completely aware that my love affair is almost completely submersed in the term "beta." I do not care. We will make it despite tough times ahead. I believe in Google.

    Now, I will admit my only complaint. But, I am willing to admit it because it is the most common, and we all know that if Google loves me back, they will fix it. Google's ventures tend to not be as completely versitile as most of us would like. For example, Blogger does not have calendar capabilites or catagories. There are examples in each of the tools by Google that I utilize. But, fellow Google users out there, trust in Google. They will integrate, modify, and someday challenge Disney as a cultural cult.

    Who is with me? Let me know if you agree or disagree. I would love to hear peoples' perspectives on where Google is going.


    Anonymous said...

    I agree with you about google... I've found there are better (for my purposes) blog sites though... I am hopefuly google will respond and do better there...

    good to see your site on my blogmad surf-go-round :)

    Nathan Giesbrecht said...

    I couldn't agree more. Personally, I've chosen to worship Google as a God.

    Also good to see other BlogMad posters!

    mwgrl5 said...

    I'm glad to know there are other Google worshippers out there. It's always nice to know you're not alone in the vast space called The Internet!