Don't Be Fooled, History Will Repeat Itself
Have you ever considered what words you say that have already been said? Or, maybe you wonder as you go through some action, if someone before has done the same thing. If you look at the history of humankind we have a tendency to repeat our mistakes over and over again. I to have made mistakes over and over again struggling to learn the lesson I'm meant to learn.
For example in the fourth grade on the third day of the school year, my friends and I were enjoying a pleasant lunch. It was a Friday, so those of us required by our cruel and unusual parents to eat school lunches had the joy of at least drinking chocolate milk instead of the white milk served Monday through Thursday. As I was sipping this refreshing chocolate milk, Rachel James said something hilarious. Now, I wish I knew now what it was, but considering it was the fourth grade, I'm not sure I'd still find it funny. Anyways, she was funny. We all broke into laughter. And, because I had not timed my chocolate milk consumption with the delivery of her punch line, as I laughed chocolate milk came out my nose. For those of you who have not had this experience, let me spare you. Chocolate milk burns the nose.
So, fast forward almost 20 years, and I have been fortunate to avoid this combination of humor and poorly timed nourishment. That is until tonight. Tonight as I ate a chicken sandwich with hot sauce and ranch on it, Susan just had to be funny. She's usually just funny looking while I eat, which I can maintain my composure while I eat (I've practiced over the years). But, tonight she timed her funny looks with her witty comments at the same time as my dinner munching. Next thing I know, a tiny piece of chicken with hot sauce came out my nose.
Now, I know this story will not win me my future husband. But, I'm hoping to protect those innocents still left out there. There is no need to test this at home. Chocolate milk and chicken with hot sauce both burn equally when passing through the nasal canal. Oh, I don't remember what Susan said either. However, both of these ladies are quite hilarious. Final lesson, history will repeat itself even when least expected.