Addiction you ever realized it until you're up to your eyeballs in it? It's all about the hindsight, baby!
Well, my family has an addiction. I've talked about my love before, but until recently I didn't realize how deep it runs.
My family is addicted to coffee. There are a number of things pointing to addiction when talking about my family and coffee. First, my sister works at Starbucks. That may not seem like a big one until you see the amount of coffee she consumes there and brings home in brewed or still beaned state. Next, my family came down to help my roommates and I move. Remember, my family consists of me-25, my parents-adults, and my sisters-21,16,10, and infant. Yes, three are under the age of 18. Yet, two mornings in a row we went to Starbucks for breakfast. Yes, my parents, roommates, and sisters all piled into Starbucks for coffee and overpriced muffins and such. Finally, when I was home a couple weekends ago there were five unaccounted for coffee cups floating around the kitchen in the afternoon. The pot was brewing another. There were four coffee drinkers and five cups out. Maybe we should have been drinking juice or milk by that point instead of brewing a third or fourth pot for the day. And who was double-fisting it?
Well, the first step is admittance. I admit it. They should too. But, I like it. I like coffee and caffiene and lattes and addiction to it all! Don't touch my coffee!!! :)